The following document pertaining to the formation of “Greater Israel” constitutes the cornerstone of powerful Zionist factions...
One can only imagine the risk when some citizens of a small country conceal hundreds of thousands...
Last week, the Turkish Armed Forces entered Afrin in Syria’s Aleppo. According to the Syria-based Kurdish Hawar...
The intentional provocation executed by Kiev saw three Ukrainian naval vessels seized by Russia. The vessels were...
Forty-two years ago, a car-bomb exploded in Washington killing Chile’s ex-Foreign Minister Orlando Letelier, an act of...
The sense that Thaci and his close associates are protected and untouchable has created what many observers...
The U.S. Secretary of Defense claims Russia is giving weapons to the Taliban, in Afghanistan. “Mad Dog”...
Remember that Barack Obama, Theresa May, Angela Merkel, François Hollande, Justin Trudeau and Matteo Renzi were eloquent...
If a German had shown up in London in 1944 and opened fire, would the police have...
Russia has received more than 2,500,000 refugees since the outbreak of the conflict in eastern Ukraine, Yuri...
In recent days, it has been reported that a third man in the Lockerbie bombing – a...
What will be the next story advanced by the genocidal media to account for the clear criminality...
They were all attached to the ideology of ISIS and interested in recent attacks, above all the...
Israel’s comparative economic success is essentially based on water stolen, since 1967, from Syria’s eastern shore of...
A research paper recently presented by Prof. Ivan Katchanovski from Ottawa University at the Annual Meeting of...
The monster often perseveres and proves difficult to slay as it begins filing frivolous suits against farmers...
The pace of physical and demographic changes in and around Jerusalem has accelerated dramatically since Israel began...
Osama bin Laden was a prominent supporter of the Izetbegović’s regime in Bosnia-Herzegovina, and, according to the...
The Roman Church adopted an altogether positive attitude towards Hitler's regime [...]
The transportation of weapons by air was the most effective procedure in terms of delivery speed [...]
Belarus' fighter jet-assisted diversion of a Ryanair flight to Minsk in response to an ostensible bomb threat...
Accordingly, Israel is delighted to see Syria, a primary foe, lying in ruins as a result of...
Central Asian governments seem more sensitive to domestic and regional threats possibly invigorated by the Taliban’s rise...
Today marks twenty-nine years since the shootdown by the USS Vincennes of Iran Air flight 655, which...
The corporate media don’t like Donald Trump. They used to like him a lot; in fact, Big...
Putin asked at the UN, “Do you know what you have done?” They have created an empire...
The best academic estimates on the number of civilians killed in the illegal U.S.-led wars on the...
At that time their ire was directed at the leftist Taraki government that had come into power...
As Israeli officials seem increasingly determined to abolish even the last formal elements of democracy in Israel,...
Some believe that Trump is a ruse conducted by the Oligarchy. However, as Hillary is the bought-and-paid-for...
American torture is back in the news again as Gina Haspel, President Donald Trump’s pick to head...
In the nineties, Srebrenica was the center of terrorist activities – « Jihad », the Muslim 28th...
Apart from his ongoing economy with the truth, Tony Blair also seems to be well past his...
Views: 2714 The Imperial Anatomy of Al-Qaeda. The CIA’s Drug-Running Terrorists and the “Arc of Crisis” Part...
Macedonia’s resistance to the unipolar Color Revolution and Unconventional War being unleashed against it is thus going...
Theodore Herzl, father of modern political Zionism, envisioned a Jewish state in Palestine as “an outpost of...
The truth of evidence from the US newspapers about a real face of US President Abraham Lincoln...
CONTEMPORARY LITHUANIA, however, doesn’t deserve our friendship or cooperation. Instead of boldly and honestly confronting the tragedy...
On December 14, Tom Suárez spoke at The House of Lords, London, at the invitation of Baroness...
Because Bandera was born on January 1, 1909, celebrations of his birthday have become disgusting New Year’s...
Americans continue celebrating a holiday that whitewashes the mass killing of millions of Native Americans [...]
A new Foundation for the Study of Democracy (FSD) report is titled “War crimes of the armed...
Another chemical weapons at the hands (supposedly) of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad [...]
Liberal internationalism was after its own prestige, not Kosovars’ well-being [...]
It has been impossible to keep the scandal hushed up, but while this regime exists in Ukraine,...
Kennedy’s “limousine was taken back to Ford. (It) was stripped to bare metal and rebuilt” – destroying...
Ben Swann explores the origin of ISIS that has already been long forgotten by American media [...]
The image left by Jamala is of barbarian cruelty by the Soviet dictator against innocent Tatars. However,...
The FBI’s New York field office is also likely looking at Teneo’s dealings with other Clinton allies....
Adem, sipping Turkish coffee from a tiny cup, says that several months after attending religious classes some...