Never had so many people been put in prison. The size of the Allied captures was unprecedented...
The hoax “war on terror” has turned America into a Gestapo state. Not many Americans directly experience...
It’s well known that when the CIA selects agents or people to run militias or secret police...
The Native land that was stolen since 1776 [...]
Norway is a member of NATO and has close ties to the United States and Great Britain....
North Korea is not playing “gotcha”. For them it is not a game, like it is to...
The real problem is the presidency itself. Nixon, of course, misled Americans about many things, from bombing...
US-installed putschists in Kiev represent mob rule. Puppet president Poroshenko and others surrounding him are societal misfits,...
President Putin’s been accused by the West of being many things, but ironically enough, it’s former President...
Afghanistan’s war, notorious for being protracted and the lengthiest in the US history has spiralled into a...
The prison labor industry is very keen on promoting its role in assembling the US military’s widely...
In practice, a very illustrative example of asymmetric warfare was when on March 20th, 2003, US-led coalition...
The Amnesty report, prominently disseminated by Western media, appears to belong to those bogus papers propagandists use...
Years ago, the terms “false flag” and “conspiracy theory” went hand in hand. Suggesting that a government...
As a matter of very fact, regardless to the reality in global politics that the Cold War...
Neither Trump nor Obama can compete for the title of Supreme Fabulist on World War One -...
Forty-two years ago, a car-bomb exploded in Washington killing Chile’s ex-Foreign Minister Orlando Letelier, an act of...
Photos of differences between two world leaders [...]
The U.S. Secretary of Defense claims Russia is giving weapons to the Taliban, in Afghanistan. “Mad Dog”...
What is the most dangerous and destructive weapon in the earth? [...]
The 2017 Global Peace Index has declared Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq and South Sudan to be among the...
The Violent American Century addresses the U.S.-led transformations in war conduct and strategizing that followed 1945—beginning with...
“Trump thought last month’s attack on Syria had bought him immunity, or at least a respite, from...
Obama has announced new sanctions on Russia based on unsubstantiated charges by the CIA that the Russian...
The Ukraine revolution of 2014 was encouraged by the United States whose Assistant Secretary of State for...
The neocons therefore believe that a muscular foreign policy—one that includes military intervention abroad, war, regime change,...
The U.S. military base in Kosovo was constructed in 1999 without consulting with the government of Serbia...
Another problem with the behavior of the Times and the mainstream media is that by jumping to...
The concept here is “War of Aggression” in Wikipedia, whose article makes clear that certain types of...
In 2001, the US government attacked Afghanistan destroying the country and leaving it in shambled to this...
The publication of the PropOrNot blacklist and its promotion by the Washington Post helped trigger a wave...
US foreign policy has for decades been predicated on achieving and maintaining global peace, security and stability....
This essay is adapted from “Measuring Violence,” the first chapter of John Dower’s new book, The Violent...
On the evening of April 6 the U.S. military fired 59 Tomahawk missiles at an airbase in...
The sources of available information on reported chemical weapon attack are the Syrian Observatory and the White...
A coalition of the US, Saudi Arabia, the Gulf states, Turkey and Israel exploited those initial challenges...
The US is particularly scary because it tolerates and empowers fascism more than other Western countries. Trump,...
All 78 North Korean cities were leveled, along with thousands of villages. The US quite literally wiped...
As a consequence, for each American, the US federal Government knows everyone whom you call, and who...
Syrian government have been instigated, trained, funded and equipped by the U.S. and its proxies in...
Since 1955, however, every president and every Congress have acted in clear and deliberate violation of the...
In Bowling for Columbine, Moore shows the connections between an American society of violence and its impact...
It is reproduced a year-by-year timeline of America’s wars, which reveals something quite interesting: since the United...
It is not in our interest to escalate tensions with Russia. It is not in our interest...
Excerpt from Jacques R. Pauwels, ‘The Great Class War 1914-1918,’ James Lorimer, Toronto, 2016 [...]
There has been a lot of worry about the Constitution and basic democratic rights since Trump’s election....
American oligarchs of an earlier age understood public relations in a way that current oligarchs seem to...
"Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the Heroes!". These words and this greeting will become Armed Forces of...
The US Government’s anti-Russian sanctions, and its NATO exercises with US missiles and tanks on and near...
Exclusive: After launching a missile strike on Syria, President Trump is basking in praise from his former...