Do Europeans really want people such as this to be increasing in the EU? [...]
The kaiser was particularly interested in international affairs [...]
In 2003, based on pure lies, Iraq besieged, and about half a million people died [...]
Expect an Erratic Flip-Flop Foreign Policy, a Return to Gunboat Diplomacy, and More Illegal Wars of Aggression...
The Pentagon was scheduled to reduce U.S. troops in Afghanistan to 4500 in November [...]
Endless wars define US policy – waged against invented enemies because real ones don’t exist [...]
The horrendous bloodshed this week in Gaza is directly related to US President Trump’s controversial decision to...
I also think it would be misleading to the American people were we not to supplement the...
This article by Professor James Tracy first published in August 2015 is of particular relevance in relation...
Who rules America? This question should be rephrased to take into account the plurality of authoritarian self-serving...
On the Saturday morning after the bombs fell in Damascus and Homs, Omalii Yeshitela, chairman of the...
Thus, the United States emerged after World War II as the richest country in the world, after...
Despite over 6,000 pages of documents and testimony, recording crimes against humanity, the Senate Report is unlikely...
Right now in Ukraine, the central political controversy is between the U.S.-puppet President of Ukraine, who promises...
The United States may be on the verge of the biggest legitimacy crisis since the Civil War...
It’s also inevitable that land, sea and air provocations against Russia will eventually result in accidental clashes...
Like polls predicted a Hillary victory this electoral cycle, they said Dewey would defeat Truman back then...
The Democratic Party has moved from being what you might call a reluctant war party to an...
Do we really think the Kochs and their ilk would spend billions to sway our elections without...
Kennedy’s “limousine was taken back to Ford. (It) was stripped to bare metal and rebuilt” – destroying...
Joe Biden was the primary sponsor of the March 1999 Kosovo war authorization for military action against...
During the early 1960s, apartheid South African diplomats were increasingly concerned their country’s plummeting reputation would affect...
There’s no single, universal design of democracy that fits all societies, countries and all regions of the...
The justices have repeatedly shown they are without shame in making unconscionable political decisions that are not...
The crisis began with the Washington organized coup in Kiev that overthrew the democratic government and replaced...
Totalitarian states use propaganda to crush spirits and minds, backed by the iron fist of secret police,...
The death of Slobodan Milosevic was clearly the only way out of the dilemma the NATO powers...
Barbados and Luxembourg are ahead of the US when it comes to citizens’ perceptions of corruption [...]
Four men, accused of being partisans, are alleged to have been buried alive. The wife of a...
The two noticeably absent ethnic blocs in the emigre series I wrote before the election are the...
Israel provided the Georgian government of President Mikheil Saaakashvili, which included a number of dual Israeli-Georgian nationals...
Donald Trump’s Road to Debacle in the Greater Middle East [...]
What one native American can tell you [...]
See who is missing and who is not missing Barack Obama as the US President? [...]
See who is against Donald Trump! [...]
It is a courageous small progressive nation trying to survive in a struggle where they are David...
Make 4 July Independence from America Day [...]
The US Empire has extended its military operations to over 700 bases across the world but each...
The game is out of America’s hands now. All it is able to do is wield the...
The most advanced forms of entertainment thrive in an environment of absolute impunity in which the occasional...
The incorporation of militarism into American society is staggering. From the onset of the post-war era, civilian...
Russia is being surrounded. In such circumstances, if Russia strikes first, its enemies are the ones to...
If the United States remains unbound by the Rome Statute of the ICC, the international community must...
The senior politicians brought in as panelists come from all the Duma parties, not just the ruling...
Orwell, in his own time, struggled over what year his novel should be set in. Likely, we’re...
This comes after the French Charlie demo, also spurned by Russia. The West hinted that Russia’s sins would be forgiven, up to a point,...
America’s war of expansion over Mexico, backed by newspapers and politicians, has repercussions to the present day...
Brzezinski being Polish and his wife also being Eastern European is enough to explain his animosity toward...