Saudi Prince Turki Al-Faisal speaking at the 2012 Clinton Global Initiative thanks former U.S. President Bill Clinton...
The Western view is a maelstrom of a Judaeo-Greco-Roman, pseudo-philosophy steeped in Hegel, Toynbee, Spengler and obscure...
This essay is inspired by Professor James Petras’s article, describing that the US never wins wars despite...
There was an interesting announcement recently that went almost entirely unnoticed in the Canadian media […]
It is needless to say that in the case of places with already mixed populations the process...
As a matter of fact, J. B. Tito (half Croat, half Slovenian) left no prominent figure on...
There is a common misconception among liberal circles who are confident that the Russian presence in the...
The Greater Albania project, which dates back to the 19th century is an idea of the unification...
Although a large majority of Bosnians do not see any alternative to the European Union, they are...
Serbia and Republika Srpska are today the only real Russian allies in Balkans. Serbia is the only...
Osama bin Laden was a prominent supporter of the Izetbegović’s regime in Bosnia-Herzegovina, and, according to the...
For centuries, the strategic Balkan Peninsula has featured as a slice of Europe over which wars have...
In all probability, the post-Yugoslav settlement will continue to hold in law. But separatist groups can easily...
Newly crowned NATO members Albania and Croatia continue to pose the greatest threat to the Central Balkans...
Serbian community leader in NATO-occupied Kosovo, Oliver Ivanović, was gunned down, mafia-style, in front of his party...
The status of the Vlach minority in South-East Europe is characterized with a shortage of authoritative resources,...
It became clear from the very beginning of the existence of a new state (the Kingdom of...
Probably the pivotal reason why the Greek authorities are not willing to open the Vlach-language schools and...
For a long time the Arnautasi felt neither like Turks nor ethnic Albanians, because their customs and...
Martti Ahtisaari, like his Albanian proxies, has a very well concealed Nazi past, a racist and genocidal...
The trial of Mr Milosevic was a farce. If the ICTY had had even the slightest bit...
After the fall of Serbia in 1459, the Pec Patriarchate soon ceased to work and the Serbian...
Finally, Hoare rejected Fox’s 1993 news report from the London Daily Telegraph out of hand, but this...
Neither was Bosnia to be allowed to have its own currency (issuing paper money only when there...
After the Second World War, As a result of unbelievable demographic explosion Albanian population in Kosovo doubled...
In Kosovo the de-Christianization of the Orthodox Christian community continues and hundreds of Orthodox Christian churches have...
The political tension and mistrust were used to abuse the educational system. The lecturers from other universities...
Noel Malcolm’s book has a very important function in the escalation of the Kosovo crisis. Like other...
Photo evidence of Jihadization of Kosovo & Metochia by Muslim Albanians from June 1999 onwards […]
For Italy, as one of the most important economic partners of the Balkan countries, the Europeanization of...
‘Operation Storm’ in August 1995, when Croatia overran the Serb-inhabited territory of Krajina, was the biggest single...
In the spirit of the New Cold War and following on its success in snuffing out South...
Surely, a territory of Kosovo-Metochia or the Ancient Serbia (from the Italian mediaeval sources a Vecchia Servia)...
A time of Macedonization of Macedonia by the creation of Macedonian regional feelings, which after the WWII...
How was an illegal and criminal war “sold” as a “humanitarian intervention” to prevent “genocide” and a...
After June 1999, International Red Cross noted some 250,000 Serbs and other non-Albanians who had been expelled...
SS Reichsfuehrer Heinrich Himmler formed a Kosovo Albanian Muslim Nazi SS Division during World War II, the...
In Kosovo a wide array of Imams and community figures who have in the past been accused...
As work nears completion in the first phase of an ambitious project in Montenegro to develop a...
Political, cultural, religious and demographic trends among Muslim communities in the Balkans strongly suggest that the Green...
In order to make clear historiographical and political picture on the Kosovo issue, in the following paragraphs...
Kosovo is a part of the region on the south-west of Serbia, called Kosovo and Metohia, which...
It was March 17, eight years to the day since 50,000 Albanians began a three-day pogrom in...
During the final years of the Cold War, the Soviet Union and the US reached a verbal...
The Albanian national movement, established in accordance with the program of the First Prizren League in 1878,...
The third congress of AVNOJ (AVNOJ – Antifiascist Council of People’s Liberation of Yugoslavia) in Belgrade, on...
Only two trials of KLA personnel have ever been held at the ICTY, compared to the scores...
From Slovenia to the Republic of Macedonia, each constituent member of the former Yugoslavia is now infused...
Churchill once said that in war the truth is so precious it has to be surrounded with...
Imagine if the 30,000 or so soldiers slated to participate in the event were instead deployed to...