At the dawn of the so-called Arab Spring in 2011, diplomats, politicians, and intellectuals debated a fresh...
This article by David Orchard who relentlessly led Canada’s antiwar movement against NATO’s bombing of Yugoslavia was...
The origins of the present savage sectarianism in Iraq lie in the manner by which US imperialism...
“I’m supposed to go in to the prosecutor’s office for questioning next week. I’ve never experienced interrogation...
However, exactly the members of Concert of Powers are among the first actors in global politics who...
Much space, time and efforts have been devoted in the recent history of West Balkans, and in...
The truth on the Kosovo issue which Western warmongers do not want to read [...]
Today, Turkey is drawing an international attention because of its disputes with both the US’ and the...
It is sometimes said that the Soviet victory over Nazi Germany was pyrrhic — a victory won...
The article deals with the Great Economic Depression of 1929-1933 and its negative consequences on the economy...
In another grim milestone for the United States and NATO, the Council of Europe (COE) released an...
Diverting attention from the Ban Treaty and the Nobel Committee’s abolitionist Peace Prize, the United States has...
Lest we forget, the CIA gave birth to Osama Bin Laden and breastfed his organization during the...
The US has actively supported Al Qaeda affiliated terrorist organizations since the onslaught of the Soviet Afghan...
What future for science in Serbia may be expected? [...]
Do not mix biggest criminals with small fish criminals in global politics and international relations [...]
Myth: The US was forced to declare war on Japan after a totally unexpected Japanese attack on...
The United States is indisputably the world’s most frequent and extensive wager of aggressive war, largest occupier...
The institution at the forefront of this power grab is the Bank of International Settlements, based in...
Few Americans understand the ugly history behind the Nazi-affiliated movements that have gained substantial power in today’s...
In short, former Russian deputy military attaché in Serbia, Georgy Kleban, stands accused of suborning a Serbian...
Although the United States was founded on Christian principles, and has one of the highest percentages of...
That’s Mikheil Saakashvilli, the U.S.-imposed President of Georgia, during 2008-2013, who, after becoming extremely unpopular in Georgia,...
Hollywood Jewish royalty was thick on the ground, the grub was strictly kosher and billionaires competed to...
The British realized that they had connived with an impossible situation for the indigenous population as early...
Prior to the creation of the Jewish state, he said, “there were large Jewish communities that never...
Western allies raped hundreds of thousands of German women, writes German historian Miriam Gebhardt in a book...
The war in Afghanistan continued through the 1980s into the early 1990s, when the Soviet Union withdrew...
Whoever is in charge in the White House at this moment in history will have a caveat....
The paramilitary structure of the Ukrainian neo-Nazi groups came into action in 2014 in Maidan Square in...
Presented in a panel discussion of a side event at the 36th UN Human Rights Council in...
Different authors offer a variety of reasons for the establishment of NATO. For example, Yves Engler argues...