Only when the Israeli Left accepts that the occupation began in 1948 — and remains an open...
Since 1967, Israel has occupied the Gaza Strip (and the West Bank of the Jordan, which it...
Israeli Blockade of Gaza: The Only Solution is the Establishment of an Independent Palestinian State

Israeli Blockade of Gaza: The Only Solution is the Establishment of an Independent Palestinian State
You cannot deprive 2m of their human rights, enshrined in international law, without consequences. Israel is not...
Israel deserves this terrifying aid; it complies with every resolution passed by international institutions, a model of...
If anyone doubts that Israel is guilty of the crime of apartheid, he should read the report...
Zionism is genocidal racism and the racist Zionists and their supporters must be sidelined from public life...
On May 14, (2018) “Black Monday”, 63 unarmed demonstrators were shot dead and over 1500 wounded by...
Greater Israel: a nuclear-armed, US-aided, Zionist state with an agenda to confront Iran and Turkey for regional...
Did you know that Hamas, the Islamist terrorist organization whose militant wing has rained rockets on Israel,...
The horrendous bloodshed this week in Gaza is directly related to US President Trump’s controversial decision to...
If Israel were to increase tensions against Syria simultaneously with an Iraqi initiative, the pressures on Assad...
The campaign to open up Israel’s archives is being led by the Akevot Institute, a group of...
Noam Chomsky on Israel-Palestinian conflict [...]
Hollywood Jewish royalty was thick on the ground, the grub was strictly kosher and billionaires competed to...
The British realized that they had connived with an impossible situation for the indigenous population as early...
Prior to the creation of the Jewish state, he said, “there were large Jewish communities that never...