The quest for a unipolar empire set in motion a series of wars and ethnic conflicts [...]
Year: 2020
In 2003, based on pure lies, Iraq besieged, and about half a million people died [...]
Trump provided a long list of contentious issues about Iran’s alleged malign influences in the region [...]
Klopka za generala is a failed attempt to falsify history and to create a national foundation based...
According to the “facts” alleged by the Hague Tribunal in its numerous judgments, the “genocide” is supposed...
As with Kosovo, an internal conflict between a government and armed rebels is being cast as a...
In the communist era, Albania isolated herself to an extreme degree, displaying xenophobia unknown in modern European...
Instead, history shows the mass murderer and torturer Bandera’s greatest impact on the world was in North...
Azerbaijani flags may fly over Shusha, also known among Armenians as Shushi, and Kalbajar, but Aliyev’s victory...
The intensive punishment of Gaza, a crime under international law, began after its people voted in a...
Expect an Erratic Flip-Flop Foreign Policy, a Return to Gunboat Diplomacy, and More Illegal Wars of Aggression...
There is one big thing wrong, however. It’s a lie [...]
Djukanovic’s motives are fairly transparent [...]
The narrative of an "enlightened" and generally democratic Turkey, a country that is currently in the process...
Book Review of Ian Campbell’s "The Addis Ababa Massacre: Italy’s National Shame", New African Magazine, Vol. 6,...
The Pentagon was scheduled to reduce U.S. troops in Afghanistan to 4500 in November [...]
Endless wars define US policy – waged against invented enemies because real ones don’t exist [...]
What is the most horrible crime against humanity in history? [...]
I think it is evident to most by now that the United States is presently undergoing a...
A szerb hadsereg az elsô balkáni háborúban, 1912-ben vonult be Koszovóba, amely akkor még a török birodalom...
The horrendous bloodshed this week in Gaza is directly related to US President Trump’s controversial decision to...
The US, Britain, and France trampled international law to launch missiles against Syria, claiming to have “evidence”...
Since the political change in Iraq took place in 2003 with the US-led invasion to change Saddam's...
At the last presidential debate this electoral season, Hillary Clinton pretended to be appalled by Trump’s hypothetical...
Today it demonizes Russia in order to place NATO missiles in Poland, using the same words and...
If you want to understand what the “special relationship” between Israel and the United States really means...
I also think it would be misleading to the American people were we not to supplement the...
Based on the information collected by the FSD, a clear conclusion can be drawn that most of...
February 4, 2017 is the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Stalingrad (February 4, 1943), considered by...
This article by Professor James Tracy first published in August 2015 is of particular relevance in relation...
In the world before Christianity and Islam took hold far more religions and philosophies existed than do...
The national scandal unleashed by the Lithuanian Rūta Vanagaitė and the Jewish Efraim Zuroff via their statements...
Latin America became a hotbed for runaway Nazis and fascist sympathizers after Germany surrendered to Allied Forces...
The bleak truth is that a careful review of the activities of the CIA and the organizations...
The question remains, while Trump is sending out distracting tweets and being distracted by Russia-gate, does he...
For the 11th year running, the center of Lithuania’s beautiful capital, Vilnius, was gifted in the high...
The real war here is a power struggle within the US in the context of ruling parties...
Israel's outrageous fabrications about the immigration of Arab Jews to Israel in the 1940s and '50s are...
Trump has given rise to the recrudescence of nativism, xenophobia, and anti-immigrant sentiment across America, in much...
Another chemical weapons at the hands (supposedly) of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad [...]
Photo evidence of a rapid Islamization of EuroChristian southern province of the Republic of Serbia - Kosovo-Metochia...
Most of the Arctic is frozen most of the time and icebreaker ships are necessary. According to...
Britain’s official war commemoration is certainly not a fitting tribute to victims of war [...]
Kosovo’s municipal authorities continue to ignore the growing number of illegally built mosques, which now total more...
Whether you like it or not, France has become an aggressive colonial power in the last decade....
The carriers of this virus are not only military professionals, politicians and media warriors on a payroll,...
Who rules America? This question should be rephrased to take into account the plurality of authoritarian self-serving...
The murder of the Tsar and his family is all the more deplorable because, whatever his failings...
Liberal internationalism was after its own prestige, not Kosovars’ well-being [...]
On the Saturday morning after the bombs fell in Damascus and Homs, Omalii Yeshitela, chairman of the...