The Serbian press has speculated that one of the conditions that Greece must fulfill to receive financial...
The Autonomous Province of Kosovo from 1974 till 1989 had its own President, Government, Parliament, Constitution (not...
It is today 140-years anniversary of both the San Stefano Treaty and the Berlin Congress – two...
Remember watching ancient Orthodox Christian monasteries in flames in Kosovo dozen times [...]
This historical fact is recognized even by objective Albanian historians, who are not under the political pressure...
The terrorist pipeline runs from Kosovo, to Iraq and Afghanistan, and then on to Syria – where...
Both the KosMet’s Serb and the Albanian leaderships were confused with the complicated situation, which involved not...
Clearly, the process of creation of Albanian nationality was not yet completed at the end of the...
Europe’s Palmyra: How Kosovo’s Medieval Serbian Christian Culture was Demolished by Muslim Albanians

Europe’s Palmyra: How Kosovo’s Medieval Serbian Christian Culture was Demolished by Muslim Albanians
Shortly after the destruction of the monuments, the Mayor of Venice Massimo Cacciari said it was as...
President Bill Clinton’s favorite freedom fighter just got indicted for mass murder, torture, kidnapping, and other crimes...
Documentary Movies about Kosovo and Metochia [...]
This documentary film was made by the Czech Republic TV and banned in all mainstream globalist media...
Twenty years have now passed since the opening of hostilities, and problems in Kosovo still run rampant....
The government constantly assures us that it will never recognize Kosovo as an independent State, but here...
By forcing Serbia to recognize Kosovo’s independence, directly or indirectly via the so-called Ischinger formula of two...
However, such official protests by the Albanians were much more a way of propaganda work but not...
The future looks very grim for Macedonia as the newly installed pro-Western coup “government” wastes no time...
Because according to the UN Security Council resolution 1244, which reaffirms the sovereignty and territorial integrity of...
The truth on the Kosovo issue which Western warmongers do not want to read [...]
Kurti’s Election Means a Stronger Push for “Greater Albania” and Protection for Terrorists in Kosovo

Kurti’s Election Means a Stronger Push for “Greater Albania” and Protection for Terrorists in Kosovo
Kurti does not recognize the flag and anthem of Kosovo, as well as the Kosovar national identity....
Although the idea of a Greater Albania may seem like an exaggerated conspiracy, to the Serbian people...
When in 2008 Kosovo declares independence, nearly a decade after the Western military intervention, few commentators call...