Magna Carta notably gave English “free men” freedom from arbitrary, non-judicial imprisonment, dispossession, outlawing, ...
It is well to remember the significance of this attempt by the Americans and British to conclude...
In recent years, both the Western as well as the liberal Russian press have had a lot...
Belarus is a land known also as Belorussia (White Russia, Weißrussland) in East Europe which was for...
While the numbers are not as high as Auschwitz or Treblinka, Jasenovac was notorious for its cruelty...
This is neo-colonialism and it begins with destroying national sovereignty with creating dependence; the avenue taken will...
Having the financial and technical support of US and European monopolies, Hitler’s Germany began to strengthen its...
While Remembering and Commemorating the Armenian Genocide, Let’s Not Forget the Greeks and Assyrians

While Remembering and Commemorating the Armenian Genocide, Let’s Not Forget the Greeks and Assyrians
By the end of 1922, about three million Christians had been killed in the decade-long religious cleansing...
More recently, a poll of Crimeans was issued on 4 February 2015, by the polling organization GfK,...
Basic facts about the Serbs that you have to know […]
Manipulation is the key to understanding why Auschwitz was given so much coverage, and Jasenovac almost none...
It is a very fact that the discussions about direct responsibility for the outbreak of the Great...
In discussing fascism as it exists in the United States, an accurate definition is in order. If...
In the early 1970s, I went to Quang Ngai province, where in the village of My Lai,...
Stories of resistance to Croatia’s fascist Ustasa can help counter revisionists’ attempts to rehabilitate the World War...
It is hardly a coincidence that the Declaration of Independence, Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations, and Johann...
Josemaría Escrivá is the best place to start. He was a Catholic priest during the Second Spanish...
Mussolini took power in Italy in 1922, and by 1925, he had dropped the pretense of democracy...
The unexpectedness of the developments is personified by the self-declared commander of the ethnic Albanian fighters in...
Ukrinform got away with it for three weeks until Ukrainian Jewish activist Eduard Dolinsky called them out....
The “Macedonian Question” is today actual for several reasons of whom two are of the fundamental importance:...
Prospective parents have been known to buy babies illegally in India because of the tough laws and...
This article investigates the Russian foreign politics at the region of the Balkan Peninsula after the dissolution...
This history of Russia, America and political intervention begins right at the beginning of the history of...
In recent years, some strong research has begun to emerge on the genocides against Armenians and Assyrians....
During the Second World War, tens of thousands of Muslims fought on the side of the National...
However, such official protests by the Albanians were much more a way of propaganda work but not...
In August 1492, Columbus departed Spain with three ships – the Santa Maria, the Pinta, and the...
A lot has been written about Nagorno (Mountainous) Karabagh, or Artsakh; people have different opinions of it....
All of Adolf Hitler’s actions, from the time he rose to power in 1933 until 1939, could...
After the Great War, the elites on both sides of the English Channel had been forced to...
Hadzic had joined the Mujahideen unit in 1994. For years after the war he worked as a...
Russia always possessed tremendous capacity to mobilize itself, to throw all its resources at achieving one single,...
The second wave of Jewish immigration to Palestine (1904−1914) had many intellectuals and middle-class Jews but the...
Ukrainian ultranationalists attending a May 8 commemoration included 14th SS Waffen Grenadier division veterans, Ukrainian Insurgent Army...
Article is published as: “The Serbian Patriarchate of Peć in the Ottoman Empire: The First Phase (1557−94)”,...
The concept of a “Greater Israel” according to the founding father of Zionism Theodore Herzl, is a...
Vratnica was a village located in northwestern Macedonia at the border with Kosovo and Metohija. It had...
Who are the Palestinians for the British PM? [...]
All the while, the US ambassador to Israel lobbied Israeli Members of Knesset (MKs) to support legislation...
“Nobody foresaw it. Nobody was ready for it – neither in Budapest, Moscow, Washington or anywhere...
The name of the man in command of the “British Police Mission” to Greece is little known....
Article by Vladislav B. Sotirovic: “Anti-Serbian Collaboration Between Tito’s Partisans and Pavelić’s Ustashi in World War II”,...
The theory of self-determination, as justifying the secession of a people from its existing mother state as...
Much space, time and efforts have been devoted in the recent history of West Balkans, and in...
It is sometimes said that the Soviet victory over Nazi Germany was pyrrhic — a victory won...
The rhetoric of Shaked and Bennett is not the exception to the rule of the state of...
The annual Sand Creek Massacre Spiritual Healing Run opens at the site of the Sand Creek Massacre...
A historic place of Gazimestan means to the Serbs the same as Golgotha to the Christians, and...
Missing from corporate media accounts is what causes the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK aka North...