It is interesting to note here that Orthodox Christianity, which Muslims called “Rum” as in Rome, in...
International Relations
Para Rubén Ramírez Lezcano, crecimiento económico y desarrollo social son factores complementarios [...]
All necessary details about donation [...]
After World War II ended in May of 1945, on the basis of this earlier territorial...
Video about the destruction of Syrian Palmyra [...]
On April 26, 1999, even before his most recent vote of shame, Sanders’s office was occupied by...
Every informed person knows that there is no need of a defense force against Russia in the...
CIA did indeed have a considerable number of journalist “assets” in Europe but they were generally stringers...
According to a report issued on June 6th in German Economic News (Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten, or DWN),...
In the summer of 1944, in Hungary, the remnants of the Crimean Tatar units were used to...
Almost all governments counted as democracies are really oligarchies, government by the few; the few being a...
We are witnessing a presidential election of epic farce. The Republican Party nominates the caricature of a...
It is well to remember the significance of this attempt by the Americans and British to conclude...
Having the financial and technical support of US and European monopolies, Hitler’s Germany began to strengthen its...
The US imperialist defeat in Indo-China marks the end of one phase of empire building and the...
The ‘mainstream’ Western media is, almost by definition, the last place to consult for honest reporting of...
Kabul as it stands remains in control of the large population centers and roughly 70% of the...
Inside America, the term that’s used for referring to anyone who opposes this spreading of ‘democracy’, is...
To understand this more comprehensively, Ukraine, Zbig’s Grand Chessboard – How the West Was Checkmated is an...
During the Second World War, tens of thousands of Muslims fought on the side of the National...
The proposition that Muammar Gaddafi would have ordered the massacre of civilians in Benghazi [which was...
False thrillers will now be written about the Russians hacking the American elections. Money and TV serials...
Former US President Jimmy Carter, in an interview with radio station “Voice of America”, said that the...
After the Great War, the elites on both sides of the English Channel had been forced to...
Russia always possessed tremendous capacity to mobilize itself, to throw all its resources at achieving one single,...
In an interview for the German news magazine Zuerst! (April 2015) Srdja Trifkovic considers the significance of...
Originally, in the 18th century, the term GP was related to any European state that was, in...
Russia vs the West: A Chess Game in Global Politics [...]
The lie-spangled Pompeo immediately came up with a general cover-all phrase used by Washington at nauseatum, Soleimani...
Photos you never saw on CNN, BBC, DW, Euronews [...]
Past, present, future of Western liberal democracy [...]
Canada has a reputation for being a relatively progressive state with universal, single-payer health care, various other...
However, exactly the members of Concert of Powers are among the first actors in global politics who...
Putin's rise as a statesman of the first magnitude began, oddly enough, with the terror attacks of...