The death of Slobodan Milosevic was clearly the only way out of the dilemma the NATO powers...
It is our considered opinion that the events of 9/11 and those that followed in direct response...
Finally, consider this: why is ISIS always the perfect excuse for further military intervention in Syria? [...]
The National Committee of Croatia for the investigation of the crimes of the occupation forces and their...
Currently, the Israel Lobby is at work destroying anyone associated with the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS)...
Kosovo ISIL – A Photo Documentation: A photo documentation of the destruction of (Serbian) Christianity in Kosovo...
Fiction prevails over reality. For propaganda to be effective, public opinion must firmly endorse the official 9/11...
The campaign to open up Israel’s archives is being led by the Akevot Institute, a group of...
The recent Kerch Strait incident was a cynical and flagrant attempt by Poroshenko to incite conflict with...
Prospective parents have been known to buy babies illegally in India because of the tough laws and...
The US representative to the United Nations, Ambassador ‘Ranting Sam’ Samantha Power, accused the Russian and Syrian...
Not all nations are equal. Some of them are more equal than others [...]
See who supports ISIL/ISIS/DAESH [...]
The world governments are still not pressuring Israel to change its policy and therefore it is difficult...
US foreign policy has nurtured Al Qaeda, a creation of the CIA for more than 35 years,...
Exclusive photos which are forbidden in Russian media to be presented. Devastation of Tatar Islamic culture and...
In a bitter irony, until recently the rebels of the Islamic State, formerly known as the...
Hollywood Jewish royalty was thick on the ground, the grub was strictly kosher and billionaires competed to...