Balkan towns implementing Sharia law? Alarming, but not unprecedented [...]
During the Second World War, tens of thousands of Muslims fought on the side of the National...
In times of crisis, the EU proclaims that Kosovo is, in fact, Serbia’s responsibility. This unprincipled nature...
Yugoslavia was a multinational country with different national and ethnic groups coexisting together and two dominant nations...
Hadzic had joined the Mujahideen unit in 1994. For years after the war he worked as a...
Video documentary movie on the first ISIS in Europe in Islamic Caliphate of Bosnia-Herzegovina, 1992-1995. This movie...
Princip triggering the war implies he pressed some kind of a button that caused the war to...
During the Bosnian war (1992–1995), war crimes by the Bosnian Serbs were given widespread attention while those...
The core of the puzzle became that constitutionally six federal republics and two autonomous provinces were seen...
The reason Račak is so important to the construction of the mythological narrative in which recent Kosovo...
In order to properly understand the post-Cold War global hegemony foreign policy by the US Administration, it...
Fake News Used to Justify All Out War: The Bosnian Serb “Death Camp” Fabrication. Pretext for R2P...
Edward S. Herman died on November 11, 2017, at the age of 92. Fortunately, it was a...
Herman discussed the disgraceful demonization of Vladimir Putin and Russophobia, the New York Times playing a leading...
The reality which the West does not want to see [...]
British ballistics expert Dereck Olsen from UK Academy of Defence claimed, under the oath, that is was...
Srebrenica was a combined Muslim military base and refugee “safe area.” Serbian President/Federal Republic of Yugoslavia leader...
There are many instances of reliance on hearsay. Time and again, a paragraph in the judgment begins...
BOOK: The SREBRENICA MASSACRE, Evidence, Context, Politics,
Edward S. Herman and Phillip Corwin (Editors). Foreword by Phillip Corwin...
Why hasn’t President Trump ordered the Justice Department to investigate Hillary? Is the answer that Trump is...
The ethos of the US’s Vietnam attack plan was “embodied most fully” in Secretary of Defense (1961-68)...
From the very beginning, Bosnia and Hercegovina has been established by three (later two) parties who couldn’t...
Of the 22 Nazi concentration camps operating in the clerical fascist state of Croatia during World War...
The list is covering period of time from 1950 to 2015 or from the Korean War to...
The NDH consisted of modern-day Croatia and most of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as some parts...
Markul argued that real Tito
lost the middle finger and index finger of the left hand. He...
Two decades later Bosnia is still suffering the consequences. ISIS has declared the Balkans the next front...
The cult’s writings upon Prince Lazar contain a number of facts relevant to the post-Kosovo Battle period...