Hits: 510
1. Article „The Armenian Genocide: The First Modern Islamic-Jihad Ethnic Cleansing“, Journal of Security Studies and Global Politics, Vol. 3, № 1, 2018, Islamabad, Pakistan, online: http://sciplatform.com/journals, ISSN (online) 2519-9609, ISSN (online) 2519-9707, pp. 121−125
2. Article „International Systems of States and Global Security Models“, Journal of Security Studies and Global Politics, Vol. 2, № 2, 2017, Islamabad, Pakistan, online: http://sciplatform.com/journals, ISSN (online) 2519-9609, ISSN (online) 2519-9707, pp. 97−102
3. Article „Nationalism and Territorial Claims of the Yugoslavs: Challenge to Re-Map the Balkans in the 21st century. Case Study“, Journal of Security Studies and Global Politics, Vol. 2, № 1, 2017, Islamabad, Pakistan, online: http://sciplatform.com/journals, ISSN (online) 2519-9609, ISSN (print) 2519-9707, pp. 69−81
4. Article „How the Kosovo Case Can Influence a Current Ukrainian Crisis“, Journal of Security Studies and Global Politics, Vol. 1, № 1, 2016, Islamabad, Pakistan, online: http://sciplatform.com/journals, ISSN (online) 2519-9609, ISSN (print) 2519-9707, pp. 1−8
© Vladislav B. Sotirović 2020
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