Hits: 473
Articles in the English language by Vladislav B. Sotirovic, first part.
1. “Disintegration of Ex-Serbo-Croat Language: Boshnjak Identity and Bosnian Language”, Research in multilingualism: selected papers [electronic publication] (Nemira Mačianskienė, ed.), Kaunas : Vytauto Didžiojo universitetas, 2012, ISBN 9789955127840, pp. 20−27
2. “Europe Between Kosovization and Jihadization”, Vilnius, 2015
3. “Kosovo & Metohija: Ten Years After The ‘March Pogrom 2004’”, Српска политичка мисао (Serbian Political Thought), Vol. 43, № 1, Belgrade: Institute for Political Studies, 2014, ISSN 0354-5989, pp. 267−283
4. “The ‘Fair Trade’ Movement and the European Union”, Open Journal of Social Science Research, Sciknow Publications Ltd., Vol. 2, № 4, 2014, New York, NY, USA, ISSN 2328-5001 (print), ISSN 2328-501X (online), pp. 127−132 (www.sciknow.org)
5. „Shaping Modern Serbian Ethnolinguistic Nation and National State-Building in the First Half of the 19th c.“, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference „Nation and Language: Modern Aspects of Socio-Linguistic Development“, ISSN 2029-0497, Kaunas: Technologija, 2010, pp. 92−96
6. “The Belgian Multicultural Laboratory of the European Integration”, Vilnius, 2014
“The Belgian Multicultural Federalism Laboratory of the European Integration”
7. “Remapping the Balkans”, Vilnius, 2011
8. “Shaping the Borderlands of Pax Sovietica Commonwealth in Central and Southeastern Europe: the Communist Party of Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union during the Second World War”, Lietuvos Istorijos Studijos, Mokslo darbai, vol. 10, 2002, ISSN 1392–0448, pp. 65–82, Vilnius University Press, Vilnius, Lithuania, 2002
9. “Making Boshnjak Ethnonational Identity by Creation of Bosnian Language in Bosnia & Sanžak, 1993−2007”, Michal Vašečka (ed.), Nation über alles. Processes of Redefinition and Reconstruction of the Term Nation in Central Europe, Center for the Research of Ethnicity and Culture, Bratislava 2008, ISBN: 978-80-970088-7-1, pp. 139−152
10. “Kosovo and the Caucasus: A Domino Effect”, Српска политичка мисао (Serbian Political Thought), Vol. 41, № 3, Belgrade: Institute for Political Studies, 2013, ISSN 0354-5989, pp. 231−241
11. “The Boundaries of Štokavian Dialect as the Borders of United National State of Ethno-Linguistic Serbs”, Sustainable Multilingualism, № 2, 2013, ISSN 2335-2019, e-ISSN 2335-2027, Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas, Lithuania, pp. 45−59
12. “National Identity: Who Are the Albanians? The Illyrian Anthroponymy and the Ethnogenesis of the Albanians”, History Research, 1 (2), pp. 5−24, published online on September 30th, 2013 (http://www.sciencepublishinggroup.com/j/history), doi: 10.11648/j.history.20130102.11, Science Publishing Group, USA
13. “The Balkan Vlachs”, Vilnius, 2013
14. “The Great Economic Depression in the Weimar Republic, 1929-1933”, Economics, 3 (1), pp. 1−8, published online on March 10th, 2014 (http://www.sciencepublishinggroup.com/journal/paperinfo.aspx?journalid=177&doi=10.11648/j.eco.20140301.11), doi: 10.11648/j.eco.20140301.11, Science Publishing Group, USA
15. “The Idea of Pan-Slavic Ethnolinguistic Kinship and Reciprocity in Dalmatia and Croatia, 1477−1683”, Politikos mokslų almanachas (Political Science Almanack), № 15, 2014, ISSN 2029-0225, e-ISSN 2335-7185, VDU, Kaunas, psl. 175−187
16. “Anti-Serbian Collaboration Between Tito’s Partisans and Pavelić’s Ustashi in the World War II”, Vilnius, 2014
17. “The 1917 Corfu Declaration and its Importance for the Creation of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes in 1918”, National Interest: Journal for National and State Issues, Vol. 20, № 2, Belgrade: Institute for Political Studies, 2014, ISSN 1820-4996, pp. 41−76
“The 1917 Corfu Declaration and its Importance for the Creation of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes in 1918”, The South Slav Journal, Vol. 33, № 1−2, London−Belgrade: The South-Slav Research and Study Centre in London−The Anglo−Serbian Society in Belgrade, 2014, ISSN 0141-6146, pp. 7−35
Sotirovic 2014 Corfu Declaration 1917 in The South Slavic Journal in London
18. “The European Union and The European Identity”, Advances in Sociology, American V-King Scientific Publishing, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2014, pp. 31−38 (www.vkingpub.com)
19. “Turkey, Greece, Italy and Security in the Mediterranean Sea Area”, Journal of Global Peace and Conflict, American Research Institute for Policy Development, Vol. 2, No. 1, 2014, ISSN 2333-5858 (online), ISSN 2333-584X (print), pp. 53−83
“Turkey, Greece, Italy and Security in the Mediterranean Sea Area”
20. “The NATO’s World Order, the Balkans and the Russian National Interest”, International Journal of Politics & Law Research, Sciknow Publications Ltd., Vol. 3, № 1, 2015, New York, NY, USA, ISSN 2329-2253 (print), ISSN 2329-2245 (online), pp. 10−19 (www.sciknow.org)
“The NATO’s World Order, the Balkans and the Russian National Interest”
21. “Anti-Serbian Collaboration Between Tito’s Partisans and Pavelić’s Ustashi in World War II”, Balkan Studies, Vol. 49, 2014 (2015), ISSN (print) 0005-4313, ISSN (online) 2241-1674, Thessaloniki, Greece, pp. 113−156
22. Article “Russia’s Balkan Politics: From the Politics of Pan-Slavic Reciprocity of the Tsarist Russia to the ‘Realpolitik’ of the Republic of Gazprom Russia”, Српска политичка мисао (Serbian Political Thought), Vol. 51, № 1, Belgrade: Institute for Political Studies, 2016, ISSN 0354-5989, pp. 83−109
23. Article „The Great European Powers and the Albanians in 1878: From the San Stefano Treaty to the Berlin Congress“, Homo-Societas-Technologiae, № 1 (5), 2016, Marijampolė: College of Marijampolė, ISSN 2029-9737, pp. 32−42
24. Article „How the Kosovo Case Can Influence a Current Ukrainian Crisis“, Journal of Security Studies and Global Politics, Vol. 1, № 1, ISSN (online) 2519-9609, 2016, Islamabad, Pakistan, online: http://sciplatform.com/journals, pp. 1−8
25. Article „Nationalism and Territorial Claims of the Yugoslavs: Challenge to Re-Map the Balkans in the 21st century. Case Study“, Journal of Security Studies and Global Politics, Vol. 2, № 1, 2017, Islamabad, Pakistan, online: http://sciplatform.com/journals, ISSN (online) 2519-9609, pp. 69−81
26. Article “The ‘Ukrainian Question’ and ‘Kosovo Precedent’”, National Interest: Journal for National and State Issues, Vol. 27, № 3, Belgrade: Institute for Political Studies, 2016, ISSN 1820-4996, pp. 123−144
“The ‘Ukrainian Question’ and ‘Kosovo Precedent’”