Hits: 1013
1. Article „Хрватска ’правашка’ хисториографија и Срби“ („Croatian Historiography of ’Rights’ and the Serbs“), Зборник о Србима у Хрватској (Review of the Serbs in Croatia), Vol. 10, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Art, Belgrade, Serbia, 2016, ISSN 0353-5967, pp. 199−212
2. Article „Breaking Cliché on the Killing of Yugoslavia: A Role of Croatia“, Зборник о Србима у Хрватској (Review of the Serbs in Croatia), Vol. 11, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Art, Belgrade, Serbia, 2017, ISSN 0353-5967, pp. 129−150
3. Article „Прва постхладноратовска ‘хуманитарна интервенција’-Вуковар 1991“ („The First Post-Cold War ’Humanitarian Intervention’ – Vukovar 1991“), Зборник о Србима у Хрватској (Review of the Serbs in Croatia), Vol. 11, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Art, Belgrade, Serbia, 2017, ISSN 0353-5967, pp. 111−128
Чланци Владислава Б. Сотировића у/Articles by Vladislav B. Sotirovic in Зборник о Србима у Хрватској (Review of the Serbs in Croatia), Serbian Academy of Sciences and Art, Belgrade, Serbia
© Vladislav B. Sotirović 2020
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