The expansion of militant Islamism from places such as Afghanistan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia to parts of...
Interview with Professor Sean Gervasi, Institute of International and Economic Problems, Belgrade, Yugoslavia. Recorded on February 24th,...
In Kukavica village near Rogatica (nowadays Bosnia and Herzegovina), today was marked 27 years since crimes against...
The turning point of the Islamic militarization of the Bosnian-Herzegovinian Muslims occurred in 1943 when, at the...
Kasim Sulejmani was the toughest fighter against the Islamic State, and because of the mysterious missions he...
The virus epidemic is a tool for achieving a new level of regimentation for mankind and for...
Video documentary movie on the first ISIS in Europe in Islamic Caliphate of Bosnia-Herzegovina, 1992-1995. This movie...
The core of the puzzle became that constitutionally six federal republics and two autonomous provinces were seen...
Fake News Used to Justify All Out War: The Bosnian Serb “Death Camp” Fabrication. Pretext for R2P...
The reality which the West does not want to see [...]
There are many instances of reliance on hearsay. Time and again, a paragraph in the judgment begins...
BOOK: The SREBRENICA MASSACRE, Evidence, Context, Politics,
Edward S. Herman and Phillip Corwin (Editors). Foreword by Phillip Corwin...
A fundamental issue that comes to mind straight away, and voters anxious to protect their liberties might...