On April 26, 1999, even before his most recent vote of shame, Sanders’s office was occupied by...
Many ISIS leaders were former Iraqi military officers who were imprisoned by American troops [...]
The presidential elections in Ukraine were held in violation of Europe’s electoral standards. A large percentage of...
The single guarantor of a possible agreement on future status can only be the UN Security Council...
Last but not least, Abdullah, following the template of his American advisors, also sought to outsource some...
Russia is being surrounded. In such circumstances, if Russia strikes first, its enemies are the ones to...
If the United States remains unbound by the Rome Statute of the ICC, the international community must...
The new text’s main aim is to perpetuate the Jewish superiority and the Palestinian Arab inferiority in...
Kosovo ISIL – A Photo Documentation: A photo documentation of the destruction of (Serbian) Christianity in Kosovo...
President Bill Clinton’s favorite freedom fighter just got indicted for mass murder, torture, kidnapping, and other crimes...
The senior politicians brought in as panelists come from all the Duma parties, not just the ruling...
Orwell, in his own time, struggled over what year his novel should be set in. Likely, we’re...
Every informed person knows that there is no need of a defense force against Russia in the...
This comes after the French Charlie demo, also spurned by Russia. The West hinted that Russia’s sins would be forgiven, up to a point,...
There was no genocide over the Muslim population in Srebrenica like mainstream media want you to believe...
Statues of Belgium’s King Leopold have been defaced and even removed. Leopold held the Congo as his...
Response to Noel Malcolm’s Book KOSOVO. A SHORT HISTORY (Fourth part). However, the culmination of Malcolm’s cynicism...
Protesters have called for all statues of the former imperial ruler to be removed in recognition of...
CIA did indeed have a considerable number of journalist “assets” in Europe but they were generally stringers...
In Kukavica village near Rogatica (nowadays Bosnia and Herzegovina), today was marked 27 years since crimes against...
Brzezinski being Polish and his wife also being Eastern European is enough to explain his animosity toward...
From the causes of the war, to its prosecution and its results, here are the counter-arguments to...
Millions of people around the world, most notably in an invigorated Latin America, are working to end...
Washington's Hungarian media project is clearly meant to interfere in that country's domestic political environment. Here are...
In reality the US government is simply acting on orders from the ruling Western elite that has...
Documentary Movies about Kosovo and Metochia [...]
The massive artillery bombardment of the peoples of the Donbass, that has been raining down shells and...
We have yet to come to grips with the original holocaust that continues to serve as the...
Everyone in the political system understands that this stage is coming. And that's one of the reasons...
According to a report issued on June 6th in German Economic News (Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten, or DWN),...
I am a Lithuanian, but I leave abroad and I am not going back. At least now,...
In the summer of 1944, in Hungary, the remnants of the Crimean Tatar units were used to...
The plea to the UN was led by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and the U.S....
Recently, the West and the Middle East pundits and analysts have been trying to analyze the provisions...
Serbia rescued more Jews than any other part of the former Yugoslavia during the Holocaust [...]
Power is the ability to make people, states, movements, organizations, or things to do what they would...
Recommended alternative reading list on the Yugoslav studies not used by mainstream corporative Western mass-media and top...
The brutality of the “justice” system in the US is only the most visible expression of the...
I want to argue that there is a direct link between contemporary nationalism(s) among the Yugoslavs and...
Regardless of the historical fact that the 1916 Dublin Easter Revolt was a big failure, its leaders,...
Serbia has fulfilled all of her obligations stemming from the EU sponsored Brussels Agreement of 2013, whereas...
Today (February 17th, 2018) on the 10-years anniversary of Kosovo(stan) "independence", Burundi canceled its previous recognition of...
Under the unconstitutional law, religious communities must prove the ownership of property built before 1918, all of...
See what is difference in their policies on Syria, Libya, Iraq, Somalia, and Yemen [...]
In fact, not only were the protected safe havens biased towards the Muslims who supported the Islamist...
On February 5, Military Times published a report stating that Washington has failed to publicly disclose potentially...
Throughout all the years of its independence, Ukraine enjoyed what it had inherited from the USSR in...
This documentary film was made by the Czech Republic TV and banned in all mainstream globalist media...
That the Oligarchy intends to steal the election from the American people is verified by the officially...
At the helm of 21st century paranoia with war we find NATO and the U.S. The U.S....