In a speech delivered in the southern suburbs of Beirut on October 23, 2015, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah,...
Newly crowned NATO members Albania and Croatia continue to pose the greatest threat to the Central Balkans...
May 12 to 14 marks the 90th anniversary of the coup by Józef Piłsudski in Poland with...
The USSR called for a “World Alliance Against Fascism” as early as 1934, only to be rejected...
This was the European Union of the sixteenth century. No coal, nor steel, nor LGBT, nor consumer...
According to the geographer George Friedman, nations are like chess players who act in the narrow limits...
Noel Malcolm’s book has a very important function in the escalation of the Kosovo crisis. Like other...
The NATO military alliance is a world encompassing threat. It is now conducting various forms of hybrid...
On May 14, (2018) “Black Monday”, 63 unarmed demonstrators were shot dead and over 1500 wounded by...
US B-1B bombers flying from Guam recently carried out exercises in South Korea and “practiced attack capabilities...
Israel claims that it’s in a mortal struggle with Islamic terrorists … But as we reported last...
Central Asian governments seem more sensitive to domestic and regional threats possibly invigorated by the Taliban’s rise...
The history behind Palestine and Israel is a history of Jewish European settler-colonialism — i.e., Zionism. And since racism...
The entire sand-castle (a product of Obama CIA Director John Brennan’s imagination) the “Russians hacked the election”...
Between 2002 and 2013, heroin-related overdose deaths in the US quadrupled, with more than 10,000 people dying...
In comparison, during the Second World War the United Kingdom lost 0.94% of its population, France lost...
The Times has played a major role in this latest wave of Russophobia, reminiscent of its 1917–20...
The Republic of Macedonia and Greece reached a tentative deal to change the former’s constitutional name to...
Like many moderate Kosovans, she also points the finger at Turkey, whose Islamist government has funded networks...
The objective is to subordinate Australia and Britain more tightly under Washington’s command for its war plan...
NATO has thereby become a tool of intimidation lacking any compatibility with democratic political organisation. An autocrat...
How was an illegal and criminal war “sold” as a “humanitarian intervention” to prevent “genocide” and a...
The U.S. Empire knows no limits. Its aim is political and military domination of the world. Under...
Greater Israel: a nuclear-armed, US-aided, Zionist state with an agenda to confront Iran and Turkey for regional...
As the United States renews a bombing campaign against ISIS forces in Syria, it seems like America’s...
Unlike Salvador Allende, Makarios escaped death and with him his state survived also, albeit mutilated by the...
As work nears completion in the first phase of an ambitious project in Montenegro to develop a...
It was the largest empire ever to have existed. And as the saying used to go, the...
The Bethlehem sanctuary issued a ringing reprisal Sunday of the coalition attack, going as far as barring...
Putin asked at the UN, “Do you know what you have done?” They have created an empire...
What’s markedly different now is that a few centuries of uninhibited free enterprise have finally laid painfully...
Led by the US and NATO, the clash of imperialist powers accounts for the absence of stability...
On the 29th of November, 2015, Foreign Affairs – the publication of the Council on Foreign Relations...
During the final years of the Cold War, the Soviet Union and the US reached a verbal...
In 1990, after the fall of the Berlin Wall, U.S. president George H. W. Bush through his...
With rare exception, the question of whether the atomic bombs were necessary to end World War Two...
Hopkins appears to be in good company. But she was probably just paraphrasing what she had been...
It seems clear now that the West wants to defeat Russia in Syria at all costs. This...
It is one thing to comment in a column as the Ukrainian crisis grinds on and Washington—senselessly,...
However, the creation of the Central Intelligence Agency has another history, its genealogy. The CIA claims two...
Attempts to strip the government of legitimacy predicated on the fact that it stood and fought groups...
Protasevich was a 2017-18 Vaclav Havel Journalism fellow in Prague for US-funded regime change outlet Radio Free...
Interestingly, even the BBC admitted that there was a plan circulating around the British establishment in 2012...
How did Russia and the West slip back into what seems like the Cold War all over...
Excerpts from the introduction of Christopher L. Brennan’s recently released Book […]
The only conclusion that informed analysis supports is that Washington is the greatest threat to life on...
The official end of the Cold War era in 1989 brought during the first coming years a...
When the second of the twentieth century’s two great wars was over, Korea was free of outside...
he present-day Macedonians are having a century and a half identity disputes with their neighbors, especially with...
Instances of the United States overthrowing, or attempting to overthrow, a foreign government since the Second World...