The creation of a regular military force in Kosovo is a gross violation of UN Security Council...
The Turks started from Anatolia and headed to the Balkan peninsula via Kosovo, Belgrade, then over Drina,...
The name “Macedonia” today belongs to two independent states: Greece and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia...
The degradation of American democracy continues before our eyes with the incessant hysterical allegations against Russia generally...
The story that British schoolbooks tell children about Churchill is of a British Bulldog, with unprecedented moral...
Only the Russians could have done something so devious to put in place a new anti-Russian government...
Estonia's bizarre New Year's tradition is nothing more than a desperate attempt to generate attention from its...
The United Nations Security Council Resolution 2334 voted on December 23 last year, condemning the Israeli settlements...
The fundamental aim of the text below is to deal with the concept and models of global...
Every single day we are seeing more outrageously desperate actions on the part of the globalists and...
By committing an act of war killing Armenian civilians on a second warfront by shelling civilian targets...
And in this case for Washington, like it or not, the “Islamic State” is the most suitable...
After this historic, (relatively) bloody Sunday, more and more Catalans will be asking [...]
Mirė vienas didžiausių pasaulyje tarptautinių karo nusikaltėlių JAV senatorius Džonas Makeinas [...]
The quest for a unipolar empire set in motion a series of wars and ethnic conflicts [...]
Trump provided a long list of contentious issues about Iran’s alleged malign influences in the region [...]
At a time when the Kremlin has called on the Culture Ministry to investigate anti-Russian propaganda and...
Here, we came probably to the crux of the matter of the current Ukrainian crisis and most...
All necessary details about donation [...]
The demonization of Islam cannot be accomplished no matter what as it is a religious ideology just...
The escalation of tensions between the United States, Britain and France, on the one hand, and Russia,...
We could only hope that Saudi Arabia, which is currently suffering from defeats in the war with...
This historical fact is recognized even by objective Albanian historians, who are not under the political pressure...
Our name and identity have been misappropriated, yet the US and their favourite foreign policy pupil, Greece,...
The streets of San Francisco and New York teemed with Russian officers and sailors in their bright...
Many ISIS leaders were former Iraqi military officers who were imprisoned by American troops [...]
Power is the ability to make people, states, movements, organizations, or things to do what they would...
Recommended alternative reading list on the Yugoslav studies not used by mainstream corporative Western mass-media and top...
The US media has done it again. In a breaking news story on Fox News on Friday,...
On August 28, the New York Times published an article by its Moscow bureau chief about the...
Abdication is not isolationism. Donald Trump’s United States is not isolationist. He has authorized the use of...
“The documents show that multiple national leaders were considering and rejecting Central and Eastern European membership in...
Ukraine is a virtual US colony – the way it’s been since the Obama regime’s February 2014...
A war between nuclear-powered United States and nuclear- powered Russia is “unthinkable”. Except that American military men...
Cyber-crime, in essence, refers to traditional types of crimes that just migrated to cyberspace (the Internet), such...
More recently, a poll of Crimeans was issued on 4 February 2015, by the polling organization GfK,...
Missile compounds are being erected in Romania, Poland and other ex-Soviet countries, while military games are set...
We demand that the Bondsteel military base be closed as well as all other U.S. military...
After more than two decades belonging to an independent Ukraine, the Crimean peninsula has become part of...
After declaring the local dialect of Serbian as the new “Montenegrin” language in its first-post independence constitution...
We all know how the story goes. The Golan Heights is Syrian territory that has been occupied...
The remaining danger is the crazed American neoconservatives. I know many of them. They are completely insane...
The U.S. created, in public opinion, an obscure enemy – terrorism – which became what American presidents...
Photos you never saw on CNN, BBC, DW, Euronews [...]
I can imagine what the reaction of the EU institutions would be if a state like Russia...
In other words, the Euro was intended to impose a Shock Doctrine straightjacket on Europe, where the...
The popular myths of this dirty war – that it is a ‘civil war’, a ‘popular revolt’...
Here's your helpful guide to dealing with the various types of people who blame Putin for everything...
The practical implementation of the principles of the 1648 Peace Treaty of Westphalia became, however, contradictory in...
The following article was written before the recent referendum in Venice and Lombardy. It remains relevant as...