Security experts claim that women mostly start fighting for ISIS while following their husbands, but there are...
Middle East
Hannibal Travis, "On The Centenary of The Greek Genocide", AHIF Policy Journal, American Hellenic Institute Foundation, Inc.,...
George Mauropoulos, "The Forgotten Genocide of the Greeks of Asia Minor", AHIF Policy Journal, American Hellenic Institute...
Shortly before his untimely death, former British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook told the House of Commons that...
It is armed and funded by the joint efforts of the Christian and Jewish Zionist Lobby of...
Over the next day and a half, up to 3500 Palestinian and Lebanese civilians, mostly women, children,...
Syrians are wondering: is our war really with ISIS and Al-Qaeda or with the US and Israel...
On Friday, February 5th 2016, Haaretz published an article in Hebrew by Israeli historian Yair Auron, which...
Israel’s comparative economic success is essentially based on water stolen, since 1967, from Syria’s eastern shore of...
Desecrated Christian churches by ISIL in Syria compared by desecrated Christian (Serb) churches in Kosovo by the...
Article One of the UN Charter states that one of the purposes is «To maintain international peace...
Trump’s goal seems to be to make things so difficult for the Palestinians that they will accept...
Within the Jewish community they have preached an admixture of ultranationalism, religious mysticism, and racial superiority. Like...
Between 2006 to 2010, the US spent 12 million dollars in order to support and instigate demonstrations...
Anglo-American Crimes against Humanity, U.N. and Media Silence, Complicity of “The International Community”, Destruction of an Entire...
A nature of the Syrian War [...]
Obama, it turns out, was among the most militaristic White House occupants in American history, taking the...
For many centuries Palestine had an Arabic-speaking Muslim majority followed by both minorities of the Jewish and...
To provide a pretext for military intervention against Egypt, Israel agreed to start military operations by invading...
Officially, the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Hezbollah, and some other less violent groups of the Islamic radical moderates...
Within 40 years, given current demographic trends, the white population in France and the rest of old...
While the Israeli lobby has been a major influence in pushing America in a militaristic direction, it...
So why is the US giving a rich and incredibly well-armed country a record amount of military...
My mind rushes to 1974 when NATO, primarily America and England, authorized Turkey, a NATO “ally,” to...
The US is responsible for the “civil war” in Syria. It has agitated for “regime change” since...
Any denunciation of sinister intent by Israeli Defense Forces is hollow because if they had not intended...
The pace of physical and demographic changes in and around Jerusalem has accelerated dramatically since Israel began...
Both these warmongers are self-identified Political Zionists who will stop at nothing to achieve their ideological aims...
With between 200 and 500 thermonuclear weapons and a sophisticated delivery system, Israel has quietly supplanted Britain...
The Trump administration, which views Iran as the greatest threat to the region’s stability and has concerns...
This article is based on a talk by Richard Becker at a PSL forum in San Francisco...
The great nakba, or “catastrophe,”began in 1492, when Christopher Columbus proclaimed the lands of the “Indies” for...
There is a sickening familiarity to some of the targets – food, pharmaceuticals, water treatment plants, electricity...
To understand Trump’s policy reversal in recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel requires understanding the character...
The narrative that Muslims in India were religious invaders from outside had stemmed essentially from the political...
Accordingly, Israel is delighted to see Syria, a primary foe, lying in ruins as a result of...
Israel has been brilliant over the years in shaping and misdirecting the public discourse on the future...
Although Arabs were a majority in Palestine prior to the creation of the state of Israel, there...
If anyone doubts that Israel is guilty of the crime of apartheid, he should read the report...
From the Desk of Donal Trump. © “Free Media Group” 2017 […]
In 1975, I worked on a kibbutz called Rosh Hanikra, in Northern Israel [...]
Zionism is genocidal racism and the racist Zionists and their supporters must be sidelined from public life...
On May 14, (2018) “Black Monday”, 63 unarmed demonstrators were shot dead and over 1500 wounded by...
Text of draft Constitution of the Syrian Republic in the English language in the PDF format [...]
In Asia Minor, also known as Anatolia — there were the Pontian Greeks who lived along the...
Palestinians are marking 51 years since the 1967 occupation of their remaining lands this week [...]
Greater Israel: a nuclear-armed, US-aided, Zionist state with an agenda to confront Iran and Turkey for regional...
In Kosovo a wide array of Imams and community figures who have in the past been accused...
Unlike Salvador Allende, Makarios escaped death and with him his state survived also, albeit mutilated by the...
There are 15 million Kurds, representing nearly 18 percent of the Turkish population. Like their Turkish counterparts...