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On Saturday, May 14, in Stockholm’s Globe Arena an event called the 2016 Eurovision Song Contest final will take place.
According to the Eurovision Official Rules 2016 posted on eurovision.tv:
1.2) Criteria of eligibility
1.2.1) Songs
“The lyrics and/or performance of the songs shall not bring the Shows, the ESC as such or the EBU into disrepute. No lyrics, speeches, gestures of a political or similar nature shall be permitted during the ESC. No swearing or other unacceptable language shall be allowed in the lyrics or in the performances of the songs. No messages promoting any organization, institution, political cause or other, company, brand, products or services shall be allowed in the Shows and within any official ESC premises (i.e. at the venue, the Eurovision village, the Press Centre, etc.). A breach of this rule may result in disqualification.”
However, rules are made to be broken
On May 9, 2016, a tweet from the European Broadcasting Union confirmed “that neither the title nor the lyrics of the song contained “political speech” and therefore it didn’t breach any Eurovision rule, therefore allowing it to participate in the competition.[16] [wikipedia entry]
Why would the European Broadcasting Union feel propelled to make this statement on the Victory Day celebration in Russia?
That’s because Europeans love to defecate on our life, our history and our modest national holidays.
Thus, we have got a singing competition which doesn’t want to be politicized, and wisely so. But… since the EU members are in Cold War with Russia and NATO is building up an enormous quantity of troops and weaponry all along Russia’s borders, to make a singing competition into an sick anti-Russia spectacle is a given.
Enters Ukraine. Ukraine is a Western territory of Russia, temporally occupied by the West. It’s a colony of the US with a multiethnic society where Russians are the majority, but the US wants to grind into a monoethnic society with a pure, “Ukrainian” identity. Everyone who doesn’t want to speak the Ukrainian language is being burned alive, like in the Odessa Massacre, or shot, or bombed by NATO. Everyone in Ukraine is supposed to become “Ukrainian” which means “anti-Russian” and a follower of the Bandera ultra-nationalist ideology.
Everyone, that is, for the notable exception of so-called ‘Crimean Tatars” who are allowed by the US and EU to use their own language, their own national identity, their own religious extremist organizations like Hizb ut-Tahrir, Tablighi Jamaat and other terrorist organization, that are legal in Ukraine, but considered terror organizations in Russia.
As you’ve probably figured out by now, “Crimean Tatars” are not ethnic Tatars, they are Turks. Turkey is a NATO member and an ally of the EU and US, as you have probably heard.
About 120,000 “Crimean Tatars” live in Crimea. After the liberation of Crimea from Ukrainian occupation, about 8,000 ended up living in Ukraine. The rest of them don’t want to move to Ukraine and prefer to stay in Russia. If they are so upset about 1944 why wouldn’t they move to Turkey to enjoy the true freedom and democracy that the Associated membership with the EU brings?
This year, in Eurovision singing competition Ukraine is being represented by a singer called Jamala with a song “1944” according to eurovisionworld.com.
I listened to this song, and found it being depressingly monotonous.
Here is the lyrics: “When they come… strangers. Come into your home. They kill all of you and say. “We are not guilty…not guilty.” Where is your mind? Humanity is crying. You think you are gods. But all die. Do not swallow my soul. Our souls. The youth is not enjoyed in peace and not live. We could build a future. Where people are free to live and love. Happy times… Where are your hearts? Humanity prospers. You think you are gods. But people are dying. Do not swallow my soul. Our souls.”
However, I must admit, I am no music critic and all ISIS-style songs sound to me the same.
Europeans, however, love it. This is how this political provocation by Susana Jamaladinova a.k.a. Jamala was announced by their media:
“When strangers are coming, they come to your house, they kill you all and say ‘We’re not guilty’,” the song begins. “That terrible year changed forever the life of one fragile woman, my great-grandmother Nazylkhan. Her life was never the same,” Jamaladinova, who was born in Kyrgyzstan, said before the broadcast.
Ukrainians have chosen a Crimean Tatar singer and her song 1944, about the mass deportation of Tatars under Joseph Stalin, to represent the nation
- According to liveleaks, Ukraine’s Tatar protest song Eurovision choice likely to irk Russia
Because, apparently this is a song about the mass deportation of Turks from Crimea after Crimea was liberated from the German occupation in 1944.
I want you to remember the phrase: “That terrible year changed forever the life of one fragile woman, my great-grandmother Nazylkhan. Her life was never the same.“ She is talking about 1944. It’s very significant that she says this. You will understand later why.
On May 9th 1944, after the final battle to liberate Sevastopol from the German occupation, after all the remaining German troops were cleared from Crimea, a decision was made by the Soviet Government to deport the majority of Turks from Crimea to the Soviet Republic of Uzbekistan. The Turks weren’t deported from Crimea to Siberia. Au contraire… Uzbekistan has a warm climate and was never devastated by the war.
I don’t know exactly the circumstances around the decision to remove Turks from Crimea after the liberation. I don’t know who made this decision inside the Soviet government and who signed it. Essentially this decision has saved the Crimean Turks from the fury and rage of the Soviet Russian army liberating Crimea. Because when the Russians came back, they found that the ENTIRE Russian population of Crimea was slaughtered by Turks under the supervision of Germans.
Just to remind you how people lived in Crimea before the war, a documentary called One Day in Artek made by students in 1939, also links to sources of historical photographs of pre-war Crimea.
Here are the historical facts:
Crimea was attacked by Germans on the first day of the Great Patriotic war June 22nd, 1941.
In July 1942, Sevastopol fell to the Germans. From October 1941 to July 1942, 156,000 Red Army soldiers were killed defending the city.
Even before the defenders of Sevastopol were defeated, about 100,000 Turks in Crimea greeted Germans occupiers as “liberators.”
“We are honored to have the opportunity to fight under the leadership of the führer Adolf Hitler – the greatest son of the German people… Our names later will be honored along with names of those who advocated the liberation of oppressed peoples.” This is from a speech of the Chairman of the Tatar Committee Jaljala Abdurashidova at a ceremony on 3 January 1942 in Simferopol.
The Wikipedia entry about the singer Jamala there is an interesting twist. It states that Jamala’s grandfather was fighting for the Red Army, and couldn’t “protect” his family from deportation. The facts are that in 1941 as the war had started total 90,000 people were drafted to the Red Army from Crimea. 20,000 of them were Turks. During the first months of war and German attacks on Crimea, 20,000 Turks deserted the 51st Army as it was retreating from Crimea. As we see, almost every Crimean Turk drafted to the Red Army had deserted it. It’s been confirmed on village by village statistic. For example: from 132 men drafted from the village Koysh, 120 deserted the Army. Everyone who deserted the Red Army went to serve German occupants.
“From the very first days of arrival, Germans used the support of Tatar-nationalists. Trying to gain support among Tatars, Germans didn’t loot Tatar home, like they did to Russian people.” Wrote the Commander of the 5th Partisan region Krasnikov.
According to eloquent testimonies of German field Marshal Erich von Manstein: “...the majority of the Tatar population of the Crimea was set up very friendly to us. We even managed to form a Tatars armed battalions of self-defense, whose task was to protect their villages from attacks of Partisans who were hiding in the Yayla mountains.”
According to Washington based International Committee for Crimea: “The German military authorities in the Crimea began creating self defense battalions from Crimean Tatar POWs in January 1942. General Manstein viewed the Crimean Tatars as being more sympathetic to the German occupation than the Slavic population of the peninsula. These POWs volunteered for service in the self defense battalions in exchange for release from the camps and better rations. The Germans formed six battalions and 14 companies of Crimean Tatars with 1,632 men by 15 February 1942.[13] In total, close to 20,000 Crimean Tatars served in German organized self-defense battalions during WWII.[14]”
What Washington is omitting that collaborating with German Turks actively participated in the genocide of Russians in occupied Crimea.
From archive of NKVD so called “Special Files. message #465/B” “Jankoy district, a group of three Tatars was arrested who by the German order executed in gas chambers 200 Gypsies.” “In Sudak, 19 Tatar-executioners were arrested. they violently executed Red Army servicemen captured by Germans. From those arrested, Osman Setarov personally shot 37 soldiers. Osman Abdureshidov shot 38 soldiers of the Red Army.”
Many Crimean Turks left the peninsula along with German troops. For example, the Polit-Commender of the 2nd Belaruskiy Front reported that they had 49th Army armed encounter with so called “Tatar-Volga legion” organized by the Berlin based “Tatar Committee” headed by Shafi Almas. “Tatar-Volga legion” consisted of three battalions and over three thousand people. All of them Turks under the command of the German Colonel Sikondorf. This is according to the Archives of the Institute of Russian History of Russia’s Academy of Science. F.2. Special File. January 27th, 1944 report of the Deputy Commander of the Main Political Command of the Red Army Shikin.
However, these sort of direct battles with the regular Red Army regiments were unusual for Turks. They much preferred to deal with the civilian population and POWs, the way they have dealt in Turkey with the non-Turkish population. SS Crimean-Tatar Battalion burned alive 15,000 Russians, Ukrainians, Greeks and Armenias, the entire population of village Mirnoe (Peaceful)
During the occupation of Crimea, Germans and Romanians organized 116 death camps staffed with Crimean Turks. They were organized by Schuma organization into 152 battalion. For the exception of 6 military officers, all 320 servicemen in this battalion were Crimean “Tatar” Turks. For example death camp “Red” also known as Crimean Buchenvald. In this death camp people were executed, without a chance to get out.
In two years of German, Romanian and Turkish occupation of Crimes, over 90,000 civilians were murdered and over 85,000 were trafficked to Germany for forced labor Only about 2% of those people survived and returned.
In nearby so called “internment” camp, out of 140,000 people interned, 40,000 were murdered and 100,000 were trafficked to Germany for forced labor. Turks working in the death camp “Red” were “creative” in the ways they murdered people. They drowned mothers with children in cesspools. They mass burned people alive by tying them up with barbwire, pouring gasoline on them and setting them on fire. Just compare, for 7 years in Buchenvald 56,000 people were killed. 8,000 per year. In death camp “Red” in less than 2 years Germans, Romanians and Turks murdered 15,000 people. The prevailing notion that the majority people killed in these particular death camps were Jews, is wrong. The majority of people killed there were Russians.
According to the article “Death Camp “Red” – Crimean Buchenvald” Ukrainian occupation authorities for decades and during the Soviet time and during the “independence” were refusing to recognize the place as a memorial to 15,000 Russian, Ukrainian, Armenian and Greek people perished in this camp. The memorial has been build in 2015 after the liberation of Crimea from the Ukrainian occupation.
In 1942, near the resort town Sudak, Tatars captured and murdered a group of reconnaissance troops of the Red Army who came to them seeking support of the locals. While another group of “self-defenders” captured and burnt alive 12 Soviet paratroopers. On February 4th, 1943 Crimean Tatar volunteers from the villages of Beshoy and Komush seized four partisans from the group of S. A. Mukovnina. Partisans L. S. Chernov, F. V. Gordienko, K. G. Sannikov, and H. K. Kiyamov were brutally murdered: stabbed repeatedly with bayonets, stacked on pyres and burned. Especially disfigured was the corpse of Kazan Tatar H. K. Kiyamova. Apparently, Crimean Turks mistook him as their tribesman. Genetically, Kazan Tatars don’t relate to Crimean Turks, despite of the similar name.
Equally cruelly Crimean Tatar were murdering the non-Tatar civilian population.
As noted in a special report of L. P. Beria in the names of I. V. Stalin, V. M. Molotov and G. M. Malenkov No. 366/b, dated 25 April 1944: “locals claim that they suffered more prosecution from the Tatars, than from Romanian invaders”. It got to the point that escaping their violence, the Russian-speaking population asked for help from the German authorities and received their protection! for example, Alexander Chudakov (a local witness, not a known Soviet author) testifies: “My 1943 my grandmother was nearly shot by Crimean Tatar executioners in front of my mother — at that time a seven year old girl just because she had the misfortune to be a Ukrainian, and her husband — my grandfather — had worked before the war as a Chairman of the village Council and in that time fought in the ranks of the Red Army. My grandmother was saved from bullets, by the way… the Germans, who were amused by the degree of brutality of their lackeys. It all happened a few kilometers from the Crimea, in the village of Novodmitrovka in Kherson region of Ukraine”.
According to recently declassified data from the Special files of the State defense Committee (May 1, No. 387/B) during the German occupation of Crimea they organized the Muslim committees, which “on instructions of the German intelligence agencies conducted the recruitment of Tatar youth in the volunteer corps to fight Partisans and the Red Army, required suitable personnel to insert them into the Red Army, and were spreading pro-fascist propagation among the Tatar population of Crimea.” Germans had also created a “Tatar National Committee,” which was headed by Turkish-citizen immigrant Abdurashid Cemil. The Committee had branches in all regions with Tatar population actively collaborated with the Germans. In 1943, Feodosia was visited by Turkish emissary Amil Pasha, who called on the Tatar population to support the activities of the German authorities.
Among specific causes of Turks in Crimea was a fundraiser to help the German army “after the defeat of the German 6th army of Paulus at Stalingrad.” So Feodosia Muslim Committee gathered “one million rubles” donated by Tatars.
From the report of Beria to the State Committee of defense No. 366/B, dated 25 April 1944 (from the same Special files): “activities of the “Tatar national Committee” was supported by broad segments of the Tatar population, which the German occupational authorities gave all kinds of support: not one Crimean Tatar was trafficked to Germany for forced labor, (excluding the 5,000 people who voluntarily went to Germany), they paid lower taxes than the occupied population, etc. Not one Tatar settlement was destroyed by Germans.”
It was clear that Germans were using ethnic Turks as executors of the Slavic population of Crimea.
It’s not hard to notice that when Crimea was liberated and before Russians started returning there, significant resources were brought to evacuate Crimean Tatars from the peninsula. As we see from the reports and Classified files, the Soviet government knew exactly what was taking place there during the occupation. It was generally assumed that Russian Crimeans coming back from fighting war and finding their homes destroyed and their families, children, wives, parents and grandparents, murdered in the most horrendous ways, would want to take revenge on the murderers, the Crimean Tatars. That’s why even today after 72 years, the majority of Russians believe that Crimean Tatars were saved by the Soviet Government by evacuating them from the region they committed horrible atrocities, to Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan, where people didn’t know what took place in Crimea.
Now, remember a phrase of Jamaladinova, “That terrible year changed forever the life of one fragile woman, my great-grandmother Nazylkhan.” She is talking about 1944. Not the 1941, when Germans, Romanians, Turks, Finns, Estonians, Lithuanians, Latvians, Italians, Japanese, and many others had attacked and invaded Soviet Russia and Crimea. She is not talking about 1942-1943, the years of occupation, when entire populations of Russians, Armenians, Greeks, and Gypsies, and Jews were annihilated. No, of course not. Those were the good years for Crimean Tatars. They were murdering people, and they were taking those people’s belongings. Afterwards, instead of locking them all up in jails for war crimes, mean Stalin evacuated them to warm plentiful lands of Uzbeks and Kazakhs. And what about those railroad wagons? Have you ever seen what wagons were used to transport troops across the country? The Soviet Union devastated by the war with Europe, didn’t have any other wagons. It was one type of wagons for everything.
Turks evacuated from Crimea were given opportunity to attend schools and universities, to build houses. They were living amongst the locals just like everyone else did. They were provided with free arable lands they used to grow fruits and vegetables and to sell it in Russia. There income was higher than average income in Soviet Russia. For the exemption of very few, none of them was convicted and jailed for war crimes and genocide. During the post-war years the population of Crimean Tatars or Crimean Turks grew from about 100,000 to 500,000. It’s grew 5X times! As we know the Russian population severely declined during those years, especially during the liberal terror, that didn’t take place in “independent Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.
I would like to ask the organizations of Eurovision and the leaders of European nations, what gives them moral superiority to troll the memory of the Soviet Government and the Russians who survived the most horrific war in history of mankind, that you conducted against us?
I have no doubt that the same people of Europe who are now voting for this political provocation masquerading as a “song,” the same people, and we will see all their faces on our TVs would be burning us, our children and our parents alive, if it wasn’t for Russia’s army and Russia’s fleet.
Time after time, the Europeans are throwing their dung at us Russians, and we got your message, Europe. We got your message back in 1941, and we are getting it now. You can keep your dung… I mean Eurovision.
Just like the demands of the European politicians to let out of jail Natalya Savchenco who killed two Russian journalists reporting from Donbass. Just like refusal of Turkey government to punish people who down the Russian fighter jet fighting ISIS in Syria. Just like refusal of Kiev junta to punish those terrorists who murdered 400 people in Odessa on May 2, 2014, and over hundred Police officers in Mariupol. The western society openly demonstrate that their crimes against us Russians won’t be punished, but rewarded.
It means that it’s up to us to punish perpetrators.
To all those saying that Germany and Russia are natural allies...
The Eurovision 2016 is shaping up to become a true statement of glorification of Nazism and its excuses to condone the genocide of Russians in World War II, which turned out to be the pinnacle of European civilization.
For those of you who feel propensity to burn people alive, enjoy, while you can….
P.S. Researching for this article, I came across a comment that strikes me as very true. Someone wrote that in Russia we all have become victims of the Western Cold War against us. We endured economic losses and hardships, caused by sanctions. Our inner peace and sense of security have also been taken away. The only good thing is that our children are growing up hating the Western democracy and everything its represent: hatred, perpetual wars, misery for so many nations and death of so many innocent.
Originally published on 2016-05-11
Author: Scott
Source: The Saker
Origins of images: Facebook, Twitter, Wikimedia, Wikipedia, Flickr, Google, Imageinjection, Public Domain & Pinterest.
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