As a condition for the “Westerners” giving the go-ahead for a new date to be set, the...
The world is so constructed that unless we look at what’s happened in the past, we won’t...
The concepts of liberty, freedom and free enterprise in the “land of the free, home of the...
Thanksgiving recalls for many people a meal between European colonists and indigenous Americans that we have invested...
Wars are a terrible waste of lives and resources, and for that reason most people are in...
Here is the evidence regarding this massive and ongoing historical international crime — the crime that’s now...
The Mexican-American War was an imperialistic bonanza, in which Washington used a dubious territorial claim as an...
Claiming the right to launch preemptive wars and fighting an ill-defined “global war on terror,” the U.S....
Bensouda wrote in a November 14, 2016, report that her preliminary examination revealed "a reasonable basis to...
Fifty years ago today, in 1967, nearly 100,000 Americans marched on Washington, DC, to protest the Vietnam...
Kissinger is one of the few surviving practitioners of historical British Balance of Power geopolitics. True British...
For the past almost 16 years, the United States has been systematically destroying a region of the...
On October 8, 1950, at 4.17 p.m. local time, two Lockheed F-80C Lockheed "Schutting Star (Meteor)" violated...
The Argentinian authorities are wondering about the massive purchase of land in Patagonia by a British billionaire,...
The stark truth is that the U.S. really has no intentions of helping to build strong states...
The Russians also expressed their logical concern that the only reason for such a search to be...
Impeachment in the USA is the legal procedure by which any public official, including the President of...
The first panacea for a mismanaged nation is inflation of the currency; the second is war. Both...
The miserably failed “humanitarian aid” delivery into Venezuela on February 23 is another nail in the coffin...
“Collateral Damage” and The “Pre-emptive” First Strike Use of Nuclear Weapons [...]
Fellow Americans, if you care to avoid vaporization and, assuming we do avoid it, live a life...
First, after the liberation of Deir Ezzor, which is located not far from the Iraqi border, the...
Where is the Republican Congress? Many in that body are today whining that Clinton moved unilaterally into...
The two lands that produce the world’s highest-cost-to-produce oil are Canada and Venezuela. Both extract their oil...
All of the aristocrats thus favor the aristocracy against the public. It is their solidarity, which binds...
This rogue regime has no real legitimacy even as a representative of the American people [...]
The March on the Pentagon, which occurred 50 years ago this month, led to the arrests of...
Roads are now so dangerous for the occupiers that most movement must be by air. Taliban...
What have Thaci and company done with their “liberation”? First of all, they allowed their American sponsors...
The final entry in Ethnographies of U.S. Empire arrived at the most comprehensive analysis of the stratified...
The favorite of the leftist progressives of his day, former President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, nominated Hugo Black,...
Many of the world’s most repressive dictators have been friends of America. Tyrants, torturers, killers, and sundry...
It is known that the US close partner Saudi Arabia gave substantial financial aid to the Muslim...
Trump is just another White Racist Iron Fist for Judeo-Christian U.S. Imperialism and Capitalism smashing all over...
The American Civil War, that is usually considered to be ended in 1865, in fact, according to...
All nations America doesn’t control are vulnerable to wars or color revolutions for regime change. Dark forces...
Never had so many people been put in prison. The size of the Allied captures was unprecedented...
It’s well known that when the CIA selects agents or people to run militias or secret police...
It should be noted that in 1999, USA Today reported: “When the Berlin Wall crumbled [1989], East...
The real problem is the presidency itself. Nixon, of course, misled Americans about many things, from bombing...
Afghanistan’s war, notorious for being protracted and the lengthiest in the US history has spiralled into a...
The prison labor industry is very keen on promoting its role in assembling the US military’s widely...
Only when the Israeli Left accepts that the occupation began in 1948 — and remains an open...
The Amnesty report, prominently disseminated by Western media, appears to belong to those bogus papers propagandists use...
Years ago, the terms “false flag” and “conspiracy theory” went hand in hand. Suggesting that a government...
The Times of London predicted, after the US's decisive military victory over the Spanish overseas empire in...
The Violent American Century addresses the U.S.-led transformations in war conduct and strategizing that followed 1945—beginning with...
Therefore, the policies of Bill Clinton included the green light for thousands of Islamists to enter Bosnia...
In 2001, the US government attacked Afghanistan destroying the country and leaving it in shambled to this...
This essay is adapted from “Measuring Violence,” the first chapter of John Dower’s new book, The Violent...