What eventually became the EU, the European Coal and Steel Community, was formed by six Western European...
In 1987 the US Justice Department declared Kurt Waldheim a dangerous agent; forever forbidding his re-entry onto...
A recent survey by The Azrieli Foundation showed an alarming 52% of Canadian millennials cannot name even...
Only those individuals tried and found guilty in their lifetimes may be considered guilty, all others are...
The case is thought to be the first in which civil servants intend to publicly defend in...
The range of moral and political issues raised by the Ustaša movement and the regime it established...
Foti, a 60-year-old high school teacher from Chicago, made the pledge to her dying mother 18 years...
The arrest of a German army officer suspected of plotting the assassination of leftist politicians and high-ranking...
It was precisely this legacy that east European revolutionaries seemed to have overcome in the past thirty...
The US is particularly scary because it tolerates and empowers fascism more than other Western countries. Trump,...
The background of Azov, its leadership, its recruitment and emblems are all deeply disturbing. It grew out...
Bosnia’s Nazi past and role in the genocide of Bosnian and Krajina Serbs, Jews, and Roma during...
"Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the Heroes!". These words and this greeting will become Armed Forces of...
The US Government’s anti-Russian sanctions, and its NATO exercises with US missiles and tanks on and near...
Martti Ahtisaari, as President of Finland, sought to honor and commemorate Finnish Nazi SS war criminals, war...
UN negotiator on Kosovo Martti Ahtisaari wanted to honor and commemorate Finnish Nazi SS troops in 1999...
The Bosnian Muslim Nazi SS Division Handzar, above in 1943, was made up of 18,000 Bosnian Muslims...
The Ukrainian UPA tortured their victims with unimaginable bestiality. Even the Germans were shocked at their level...
Blaming Russian propaganda, however, has suddenly become a lot more difficult thanks to Mr. Noreika’s own granddaughter,...
Just as the original European fascism was blamed on Hitler and Mussolini, so is today’s display of...
After 60 years of inattention and even denial by the U.S. media, newly-uncovered government documents in The...
An archival document of evidence which is going to change an official historiography of the 20th century...
Among other things, the efforts aimed at equating fascism – a monster nurtured by the West in...
However, the crucial part of Mr Waldheim’s biography, as an appropriate person for the post of the...
These are extraordinary times, if for no other reason that this is the first U.S. President who...
The Ustasha Treasury was the subject of a decade long lawsuit against the Vatican Bank by Holocaust...
The Ukrainian massacre of anti-regime pamphleteers on May 2, 2014 at the Odessa Trade Unions Building, burning...
The Republic of Croatia has, since its independence, often reverted to the imagery of its Second World...
Excerpt from book God and the Fascists: The Vatican Alliance with Mussolini, Franco, Hitler, and Pavelić, by...
For decades former Nazis and German war criminals served at the highest echelons of NATO [...]
For the first time since WW II, overt fascists hold real power in Europe. Radicalized ultranationalists. Anti-Semites....
See who of the Nazis occupied top managerial positions in the European Union, NATO, and the UNO...
In short, in the centuries’ old politics of Europe, Western nations have been characterized by a struggle...
The film ‘Dara of Jasenovac’, about a Serb girl in the World War II Jasenovac concentration camp...
Chrystia Freeland, appointed last week to be the new Canadian Foreign Minister, claims that her maternal family...
Exclusive: Canada’s fiercely anti-Russian Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland says her Ukrainian grandfather struggled “to return freedom and...
Stories of the American conquest of Native Americans with its solution of placing them on reservations were...
Political Language Explained: Difference between the declarations and the practice [...]
Vilnius trial will see whether Jonas Noreika was whitewashed by Lithuania’s Genocide and Resistance Research Center; his...
Expect an Erratic Flip-Flop Foreign Policy, a Return to Gunboat Diplomacy, and More Illegal Wars of Aggression...
Latin America became a hotbed for runaway Nazis and fascist sympathizers after Germany surrendered to Allied Forces...
The bleak truth is that a careful review of the activities of the CIA and the organizations...
For the 11th year running, the center of Lithuania’s beautiful capital, Vilnius, was gifted in the high...
Thus, the United States emerged after World War II as the richest country in the world, after...
The rain of racist bills in the Knesset, those already adopted and those in the works, strongly...
The internet is full of photos and videos with the leaders of these nazi organisations posing with...
The Democratic Party has moved from being what you might call a reluctant war party to an...
The image left by Jamala is of barbarian cruelty by the Soviet dictator against innocent Tatars. However,...
Part of the CIA's mission since its creation has been to make the world free for US...