Although many Nazis were brought to book for their crimes, no British were, Declan Hayes writes [...]
New research by the renowned economist Utsa Patnaik - just published by Columbia University Press - deals...
Do Europeans really want people such as this to be increasing in the EU? [...]
French support also enabled Britain to mercilessly crush the first Indian War of National Liberation (which British...
From the causes of the war, to its prosecution and its results, here are the counter-arguments to...
But as reported on Fox News of America, «During his speech in Brussels, President Obama showed a...
The British government should immediately announce the termination of its participation in Washington’s sanctions on Russia and...
All of Adolf Hitler’s actions, from the time he rose to power in 1933 until 1939, could...
The second wave of Jewish immigration to Palestine (1904−1914) had many intellectuals and middle-class Jews but the...
The destruction of Dresden, a world-famous cultural center of Baroque majesty, has been long dogged by controversy....
The article deals with relations between on the one hand the supporters of pan-European identity, which has...
Indeed, the paper went on to suggest a reassurance: that the Declaration had not envisaged that “Palestine...
The British political landscape is littered with wreckage. Conservative Prime Minister David Cameron called the referendum for...