The Name of Kosovo-Metochia: What does it mean? An Explanation […]
Ironically, while Morocco is trying to convince nations to de-recognize the Sahrawi Republic, it has withheld recognition...
That a Serb Question in Yugoslavia was really acute problem became clear on April 24th, 1987 [...]
Taking it even further, the Albanians hope that this will kick start the territorial rearrangement of the...
The quest for a unipolar empire set in motion a series of wars and ethnic conflicts [...]
In the communist era, Albania isolated herself to an extreme degree, displaying xenophobia unknown in modern European...
A new 1991 year started with a fear of the escalation of the political conflicts into a...
Clearly, the process of creation of Albanian nationality was not yet completed at the end of the...
This case is yet another shameful episode in which U.S. leaders have embraced thuggish geopolitical clients and...
The single guarantor of a possible agreement on future status can only be the UN Security Council...
Kosovo ISIL – A Photo Documentation: A photo documentation of the destruction of (Serbian) Christianity in Kosovo...
Response to Noel Malcolm’s Book KOSOVO. A SHORT HISTORY (Fourth part). However, the culmination of Malcolm’s cynicism...
Serbia has fulfilled all of her obligations stemming from the EU sponsored Brussels Agreement of 2013, whereas...
The Kosovo Question recently once again became an important issue of global politics and international relations for...
The real reasons for this were transparently political. Vladika Artemije was punished for his forthright opposition to...
Basic facts about the Serbs that you have to know […]
Twenty years have now passed since the opening of hostilities, and problems in Kosovo still run rampant....
But as reported on Fox News of America, «During his speech in Brussels, President Obama showed a...
Bush was a carbon copy of Bill Clinton, only less sophisticated and more conservative […]
We demand that the Bondsteel military base be closed as well as all other U.S. military...
It was NATO’s first out-of-area operation, against its own Treaty and without a UN mandate. On March...
Article is published as: “The Serbian Patriarchate of Peć in the Ottoman Empire: The First Phase (1557−94)”,...
Authentic photos from Kosovo - a region protected and sponsored by the NATO. This material was never...
March 24th, 1999 - The beginning of NATO aggression on Serbia [...]
The core of the puzzle became that constitutionally six federal republics and two autonomous provinces were seen...
A historic place of Gazimestan means to the Serbs the same as Golgotha to the Christians, and...
Kurti’s Election Means a Stronger Push for “Greater Albania” and Protection for Terrorists in Kosovo

Kurti’s Election Means a Stronger Push for “Greater Albania” and Protection for Terrorists in Kosovo
Kurti does not recognize the flag and anthem of Kosovo, as well as the Kosovar national identity....
In short, former Russian deputy military attaché in Serbia, Georgy Kleban, stands accused of suborning a Serbian...
Although the idea of a Greater Albania may seem like an exaggerated conspiracy, to the Serbian people...
When in 2008 Kosovo declares independence, nearly a decade after the Western military intervention, few commentators call...
The Nazi realization of Greater Albania had implications and political repercussions for the future status of Kosovo....
When Yugoslavia collapsed at the start of 1990s, there was nothing predetermined about what followed. One possibility...
Twenty years ago, President Bill Clinton commenced bombing Serbia in the name of human rights, justice, and...
Turning now to Crimea, Kosovo and Catalonia, the Crimean referendum, long on its Russian population’s minds, became...
The cult’s writings upon Prince Lazar contain a number of facts relevant to the post-Kosovo Battle period...
The paramilitary structure of the Ukrainian neo-Nazi groups came into action in 2014 in Maidan Square in...
Different authors offer a variety of reasons for the establishment of NATO. For example, Yves Engler argues...