The world of Arabs (the WoA), as a distinctive part of the globe, is of extreme significance...
The First Intifada was, in fact, the spontaneous uprising in 1987 which lasted until 1993. It began...
Oslo allowed Israel to reduce Palestinians to disparate fragments, each with their own challenge to merely survive....
It is very rational to predict that the Palestinian answer to the Deal of the Century is...
Palestine, the land claimed by both sides was known under this term in international relations (IR) from...
During the first year of WWI, the total number of Jews in Palestine reached some 60.000 of...
In the region, there were conflicts between the states like the Iran-Iraqi War in the 1980s (anyway...
Anti-Semitism reflects hostility or discrimination against Judaism as a religion. Israel is a nation-state [...]
Israeli Blockade of Gaza: The Only Solution is the Establishment of an Independent Palestinian State

Israeli Blockade of Gaza: The Only Solution is the Establishment of an Independent Palestinian State
You cannot deprive 2m of their human rights, enshrined in international law, without consequences. Israel is not...
The very idea of returning of the Jews to Palestine, wherefrom they became dispersed throughout Europe and...
Trump’s goal seems to be to make things so difficult for the Palestinians that they will accept...
There are 3 Apartheid Israel-related centenaries this week, namely (1) the victorious 31 October 1917 charge of...
For many centuries Palestine had an Arabic-speaking Muslim majority followed by both minorities of the Jewish and...
To provide a pretext for military intervention against Egypt, Israel agreed to start military operations by invading...
In truth, American aid to Israel is something like a pot of gold that keeps on giving....
The great nakba, or “catastrophe,”began in 1492, when Christopher Columbus proclaimed the lands of the “Indies” for...
Israel has been brilliant over the years in shaping and misdirecting the public discourse on the future...
In 1975, I worked on a kibbutz called Rosh Hanikra, in Northern Israel [...]
On May 14, (2018) “Black Monday”, 63 unarmed demonstrators were shot dead and over 1500 wounded by...
The history behind Palestine and Israel is a history of Jewish European settler-colonialism — i.e., Zionism. And since racism...
Palestinians are marking 51 years since the 1967 occupation of their remaining lands this week [...]
Israel’s crimes against the people of Palestine reveal a record of barbarism and cruelty unmatched in the...
Did you know that Hamas, the Islamist terrorist organization whose militant wing has rained rockets on Israel,...
While there have been uprisings of Palestinian citizens in Israel against land confiscations and other violations, as...
The "Nakba" day (or “catastrophe”) is commemorated on every 15 May by Palestinians and their families who...
As Israeli officials seem increasingly determined to abolish even the last formal elements of democracy in Israel,...
Trump-inspired anti-Semitism has proven to serve right-wing Israel and its American advocates even before he has manned...
Theodore Herzl, father of modern political Zionism, envisioned a Jewish state in Palestine as “an outpost of...
The resolution further reiterated that no recognition would be afforded to “any changes to the 4 June...
On December 14, Tom Suárez spoke at The House of Lords, London, at the invitation of Baroness...
The United Nations Security Council Resolution 2334 voted on December 23 last year, condemning the Israeli settlements...
Israel is the only undeclared nuclear weapon state in the world with a secret stockpile of up...
The researchers from 416 Labs were able to evaluate headlines and articles derived from five major U.S....
Political Language Explained: Difference between the declarations and the practice [...]
In 2003, based on pure lies, Iraq besieged, and about half a million people died [...]
Trump provided a long list of contentious issues about Iran’s alleged malign influences in the region [...]
The intensive punishment of Gaza, a crime under international law, began after its people voted in a...
Expect an Erratic Flip-Flop Foreign Policy, a Return to Gunboat Diplomacy, and More Illegal Wars of Aggression...
The horrendous bloodshed this week in Gaza is directly related to US President Trump’s controversial decision to...
If Israel were to increase tensions against Syria simultaneously with an Iraqi initiative, the pressures on Assad...
Israel advances a plan to build a walkway though the Mount of Olives in East Jerusalem to...
What is the background to the demonization and brutalization of Palestinians? [...]
Israeli historian Benny Morris denies the ethnic cleansing of Palestine, but his own research shows that this...
The new text’s main aim is to perpetuate the Jewish superiority and the Palestinian Arab inferiority in...
One would think that there must be some limit to the bizarre statements that issue from his...
The first nation destroyed by the United States was the Cherokee Nation, or Tsalagihi Ayeli, which, beginning...
The campaign to open up Israel’s archives is being led by the Akevot Institute, a group of...
The U. S. media does not report on this Clinton threat as they do not report on...
On 10 August 2016, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump accused president Barak Hussein Obama and Democrat presidential...
We all know how the story goes. The Golan Heights is Syrian territory that has been occupied...