How can Ahtisaari be a UN negotiator on the final status of Kosovo when he has already...
Kosovo Albanian Muslims and their unthinking and duped supporters in the US are denying the Holocaust when...
When Columbus was finished, eight million Arawaks — virtually the entire native population of Hispaniola — had...
The “final solution” of the North American Indian problem was the model for the subsequent Jewish holocaust...
By 1923, upwards of 1 million Ottoman Greeks were victims to one of the first genocides of...
Although Great Britain was twice saved from her own folly by the French President Ch. de Gaulle...
Over the next day and a half, up to 3500 Palestinian and Lebanese civilians, mostly women, children,...
Review: “The Chetniks” (1942), Treasury Star Parade Radio Play Starring Orson Welles and Vincent Price [...]
It is 70-years anniversary of the end of the WWII – the bloodiest and most horrible war...
One of the arguments for interpreting the present demographic distribution has always been the ethnic purity of...
At the very start, it must be mentioned that Nazi Croatia during WWII (1941−1945) concerning its inner...
General Ratko Mladic’s arrest and his extradition to the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia satisfied...
A Prussian general and military theorist Carl Philipp Gottfried von Clausewitz (1780−1831), the son of a Lutheran...
The deserts of Deir ez-Zor, where the Ottomans marched thousands of Armenians until they died of starvation...
The “Indian Removal” policy was implemented to “clear” land for white settlers. Removal was more than another...
The Ukrainian UPA tortured their victims with unimaginable bestiality. Even the Germans were shocked at their level...
Today, when Great Britain as a focal US colony in Europe left the EU, a real perspective...
Tutsi-related ethnic groups in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (Zaire), aided by the Rwandan Government, clashed...
Blaming Russian propaganda, however, has suddenly become a lot more difficult thanks to Mr. Noreika’s own granddaughter,...
The Balfour Declaration may be the most extraordinary document produced by any Government in world history. It...
Deep state propagandists and their media apologists apparently believe that a dead politician can be worth his...
As a result of the Polonization of the vast territories of East-Central Europe from 1569 to 1795...
There are 3 Apartheid Israel-related centenaries this week, namely (1) the victorious 31 October 1917 charge of...
Gaddafi transformed Libya into a new socialist state called a Jamahiriya ("state of the masses") in 1977....
This essay is inspired by Professor James Petras’s article, describing that the US never wins wars despite...
On this day in 1973 the democratically elected president of Chile, Salvador Allende, was overthrown by General...
Historical revisionists in Croatia and Ukraine are selectively quoting archive sources to politically whitewash their country’s involvement...
The Albanian role in the Holocaust does not end here. In fact, Albanians made up two Nazi...
Despite having the biggest military budget in the world, five times larger than the next six countries,...
An article published by Croatia’s best-read newspaper downplaying the atrocities at the Jasenovac concentration camp was an...
For many centuries Palestine had an Arabic-speaking Muslim majority followed by both minorities of the Jewish and...
To provide a pretext for military intervention against Egypt, Israel agreed to start military operations by invading...
The monster often perseveres and proves difficult to slay as it begins filing frivolous suits against farmers...
Officially, the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Hezbollah, and some other less violent groups of the Islamic radical moderates...
For the reason that no agreement could be reached on a unified form of independence, a decision...
While the Israeli lobby has been a major influence in pushing America in a militaristic direction, it...
As a matter of fact, J. B. Tito (half Croat, half Slovenian) left no prominent figure on...
In June 1941, Hitler had launched a surprise attack on the Soviet Union, overrunning the Baltics in...
When two ministers praised two Croatian war criminals last week, it highlighted senior officials’ moral failure to...
The BBC, a very liberal British network, highlighted the brutal deeds of the KLA during the airing...
Empire, Racism & Genocide: A History of U.S. Foreign Policy looks at U.S. history from shortly before...
On September 10th, 2015 a City Council of Croatia’s capital Zagreb decided to promote a war criminal...
JAV marionetinių režimų Ukrainoje, Lenkijoje, Lietuvoje, Latvijoje, Estijoje paranojiškai isteriški spygavimai apie “Rusijos agresiją” yra tik nevykęs...
His name is King Leopold II of Belgium. Most of the people never learned about him in...
When we use the genocide label for other kinds of killing (e.g. death through neglect, or bureaucratic...
The Roman Church adopted an altogether positive attitude towards Hitler's regime [...]
Without understanding what happened to the Herero and Nama people, it is impossible to understand what occurred...
The article addresses a linguistically based project on Serbian ethnonational identity and a language-based political model for...
The propaganda by the Christian churches in regard to their role during WWII in Fascist Italy, Yugoslavia,...
Video documentary movie on the first ISIS in Europe in the Islamic Caliphate of Bosnia-Herzegovina, 1992-1995 […]