History is in many ways a myth we create for ourselves. History is constantly falsified to justify...
North Korea is not playing “gotcha”. For them it is not a game, like it is to...
It is very important to emphasize that the choice of Athens as a capital city was, in...
President Putin’s been accused by the West of being many things, but ironically enough, it’s former President...
The DPRK Confronts Barbaric Actions by UN Security Council [...]
Only when the Israeli Left accepts that the occupation began in 1948 — and remains an open...
The rulers of the Roman Catholic Grand Duchy of Lithuania (the GDL) from the very time of...
Since 1967, Israel has occupied the Gaza Strip (and the West Bank of the Jordan, which it...
Anti-Semitism reflects hostility or discrimination against Judaism as a religion. Israel is a nation-state [...]
During J. B. Tito’s rule (1945−1980), Macedonian nationalism had always been controlled by the central government but...
In his speech, Macron talked about soldiers coming from all over the world to “die for France”...
The Empire of Persia was the first global empire to cover the parts of the three continents...
Despite laws against the denial or diminishment of genocide crimes, the EU’s newest member state has done...
Foti, a 60-year-old high school teacher from Chicago, made the pledge to her dying mother 18 years...
The very idea of returning of the Jews to Palestine, wherefrom they became dispersed throughout Europe and...
Some photographs as a contribution to uncensored C.V. of Angela Merkel [...]
What was done by Peter the Great for Russia in the north (the Baltic Sea) was done...
Historically, the study of gender has its roots in the anthropology of women and, therefore, is very...
Amid a growing trend towards historical revisionism in the country, Croatian television and newspapers offer airtime and...
The Balkans has always been cursed by a recurring theme: that each entity within it can, at...
This paper sets out to examine and clarify the historical development of the ideological concept of Pan-Slavism,...
We as Israelis must break the parasitic bond that Zionist propaganda has created between the Israeli/Zionist collective...
It was precisely this legacy that east European revolutionaries seemed to have overcome in the past thirty...
The phenomenon of war crimes is commonly understood as individual responsibility for violations of the internationally agreed-on...
Probably, the HDZ’s deny of any kind of the regional autonomy in Croatia was the expression of...
Nationalism in the Baltic countries was raised to the level of a state policy, which explains the...
Trump’s victory empowers scoundrels, and makes bedfellows of Zionist ethnocrats and classical anti-Semites [...]
A current European political concern is reflected in many controversial issues and one of those the most...
American and British leaders knew the facts about Yugoslavia. They knew the nature of the Josip Broz...
A Yugoslav Communist Major Franjo Tuđman (left) with his Croatian compatriot Communist Captain Joža Horvat (right) as...
The background of Azov, its leadership, its recruitment and emblems are all deeply disturbing. It grew out...
The Polish head of state, saw East Ukraine with Kiev to be the key subject to the...
War has indeed become perpetual and peace no longer even a fleeting wish nor a distant memory....
"A deathbed promise led to me discovering his complicity in the Holocaust — and what it means...
Yesterday marked the 80th anniversary of the Munich Agreement, one of the most shameful and tragic chapters...
Martti Ahtisaari, as President of Finland, sought to honor and commemorate Finnish Nazi SS war criminals, war...
Among his numerous publications, Prof. Jacobs is the author of the chapter entitled, “Lemkin on Three Genocides:...
The Biggest Prison on Earth – A History of the Occupied Territories is essential reading in order...
UN negotiator on Kosovo Martti Ahtisaari wanted to honor and commemorate Finnish Nazi SS troops in 1999...
Long after the point of fact when whatever indigenous peoples have finally been conquered and stripped of...
According to Al-Monitor, one of the most critical and important issues for Cairo during el-Sisi’s visit was...
One of the focal historical features of the western (West European) civilization was and is imperialistic colonization...
But while today's North Korean anti-American rhetoric is so often filled with obvious distortions and lies and...
1939 metų kovo 22 d. Lietuvos prezidento A.Smetonos įgaliotas premjeras Mironas, Užsienio reikalų ministras J.Urbšys, Lietuvos pasiuntinys...
The Bosnian Muslim Nazi SS Division Handzar, above in 1943, was made up of 18,000 Bosnian Muslims...
The image of Draza Mihailovich was a falsified and distorted image created by Communist propagandists and hacks...
The first offensive of the Waffen SS division against Draza Mihailovich’s forces in Serbia in 1942 was...
Hannibal Travis, "On The Centenary of The Greek Genocide", AHIF Policy Journal, American Hellenic Institute Foundation, Inc.,...
George Mauropoulos, "The Forgotten Genocide of the Greeks of Asia Minor", AHIF Policy Journal, American Hellenic Institute...
The close financial and economic cooperation of Anglo-American and Nazi business circles was the background against which,...