The Self proclaimed Republic of Kosovo, as a creation of the USA/NATO joint aggression against the Federal...
Kosovo Ethics, which are implanted in the national consciousness of the Serbian people, have not changed for...
Efraim Zuroff, the chief Nazi-hunter of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, tweeted the following just before the event:...
Despite laws against the denial or diminishment of genocide crimes, the EU’s newest member state has done...
The Albanian separatist war started with the abductions and mass murders of Yugoslav police and Kosovo Serb...
Allowing Albanian Muslim separatists and terrorists to “win” and to secede in Kosovo will not lead to...
In conclusion, Kosovo is de facto separated from Serbia, de iure, quasi-independent state but in reality, an...
It is needless to say that in the case of places with already mixed populations the process...
For centuries, the strategic Balkan Peninsula has featured as a slice of Europe over which wars have...
The first clear political expression of an idea of pan-Slavic reciprocity, solidarity, and possible unification was done...
Response to Noel Malcolm’s Book KOSOVO. A SHORT HISTORY (Third part) […]
As a matter of fact, many ethnic Slavs have participated in the armies led by the Iranian-Sarmatian...
In Kosovo the de-Christianization of the Orthodox Christian community continues and hundreds of Orthodox Christian churches have...
From the barbarity in Croatia during World War II there is a direct historical link to the...
The Vatican alliance with Mussolini, Franco, Hitler, and Pavelić [...]
Donald Trump with Larry King on the occasion of the anniversary of the bombing of Serbia criticized...
The Albanian national movement, established in accordance with the program of the First Prizren League in 1878,...
The third congress of AVNOJ (AVNOJ – Antifiascist Council of People’s Liberation of Yugoslavia) in Belgrade, on...
From Slovenia to the Republic of Macedonia, each constituent member of the former Yugoslavia is now infused...
In Kosovo, in 1999, NATO orchestrated KLA terrorism to cause a cycle of attacks and repression which...
The goal of this article is to investigate and describe the text of one very significant, but...
The Anti-Fascist League of Croatia filed a detailed criminal complaint in which it claimed that Sedlar had...
Clint Williamson, the chief prosecutor of a special European Union task force, declared that senior members of...
The NDH was internationally recognized by Germany, Italy, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Japan, Spain, National China, Finland, Denmark,...
The following text was written in the immediate wake of the 1999 NATO bombings of Yugoslavia and...
In the period before the 1999 NATO attack on Yugoslavia, the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) waged a...
The Turks started from Anatolia and headed to the Balkan peninsula via Kosovo, Belgrade, then over Drina,...
After Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo is a second ISIS in Europe today. From June 1999, when NATO troops occupied...
The hypocrisy of Washington and its lesser partners which severed Kosovo from Serbia, but “lambasts” Russia for...
Insofar as an EU repatriation precedent, Croatia’s ethnic cleansing of Srpska Krajina shows the dishonesty of the...
The rapacious conduct of the big hyenas is being replicated by their camp followers. Not to be...
Remember NATO's aggression on the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia from March 24th to June 10th, 1999 when...
No matter that well before Srebrenica you had Sisak, where 595 Serb civilians of which 120 were...
On January 19th, 2016 on the bilateral meeting between Russia’s President Vladimir Putin and the official representatives...
Ironically, while Morocco is trying to convince nations to de-recognize the Sahrawi Republic, it has withheld recognition...
Taking it even further, the Albanians hope that this will kick start the territorial rearrangement of the...
During the 1992-1995 civil war, the Chapel was neglected and vandalized. Bosnian Muslims used it as a...
Interview. Compared to our ancestors, we are really distinguished by cowardice, fatalistic passivity and laziness. All this,...
The Albanian Roman Catholic mass was served in Serbian ancient town and mine, Novo Brdo, in Serbian...
The quest for a unipolar empire set in motion a series of wars and ethnic conflicts [...]
Klopka za generala is a failed attempt to falsify history and to create a national foundation based...
In the communist era, Albania isolated herself to an extreme degree, displaying xenophobia unknown in modern European...
A szerb hadsereg az elsô balkáni háborúban, 1912-ben vonult be Koszovóba, amely akkor még a török birodalom...
The Serbian press has speculated that one of the conditions that Greece must fulfill to receive financial...
And Norma Brown, a U.S. diplomat with the OSCE, confirmed: “There was no humanitarian crisis up to...
Serbia is still a hard nut to crack, due to its relative size, traditional stubborn independence and...
This historical fact is recognized even by objective Albanian historians, who are not under the political pressure...
Both the KosMet’s Serb and the Albanian leaderships were confused with the complicated situation, which involved not...