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Canadian General Lewis Mackenzie about Kosovo, February, 21st, 2008
TV Interview with retired Canadian Major General Lewis Mackenzie about Kosovo & Metohija on February 21, 2008. He was UN troops Commander in Chief in Bosnia & Herzegovina in the 1990’s. At the moment of the interview he was an international military analyst.
“Welcome tu Nulandistan: Propaganda and the Crisis in Ukraine”, May 2014
This full length GRTV documentary looks at the fictitious land of Nulandistan that has been constructed out of Ukraine.The GRTV documentary deconstructs Nulandistan and the propaganda of the Obama Administration, the US Department of States, US officials, and their allies about the crisis in Ukraine and takes a look at their growing frustration towards the Russian media, particularly RT, for challenging their account of the events on the ground in what they have declared is an intensifying information war.
The full length documentary starts by looking at the self-benefiting description of the EuroMaidan protests that US officials have used and how it has grossly diverged from reality. Then the Odessa Massacre is deconstructed for audiences.
The documentary then looks at the situation in East Ukraine, including the violence and referenda. The events in East Ukraine are then contrasted to the positions of US officials and Russia.
This documentary shows how the reality of events in Ukraine has been been misappropriated and propagandized to support US foreign policy and to justify tensions against Russia.
“Ukraine: Fascism as it is”, June 2014
FASCISM AS IT IS film by Russian journalist Andrey Karaulov about Ukraine.
Ordinary Fascism – FASCISM AS IT IS film by Andrey Karaulov
Today in Moscow held a presentation of the film famous Russian TV journalist, author and host of the “Moment of Truth” Andrei Karaulov “Ukrainian fascism.” The film is dedicated to the tragic events in Ukraine.
The film’s title refers to the classic tape Mikhail Romm’s “Ordinary Fascism.” In an interview with IA “Tatar-Inform” Andrei Karaulov said that work on the movie began 10 days ago.
“It turns out, there is still no documentary in our country, which would gather together at least some of the crimes that occurred in the south-east of Ukraine in April, May and June this year. Here we have done the job. And the most important thing in this film, of course, no questions asked Karaulova, and the testimony of those witnesses (over 10 people), who found the courage and strength to tell the truth, having gone through hell in Mariupol, Odessa, etc. “- he said .
The film is intended for Europe, United States, United Nations.
“I talked with the Foreign Minister of the country, and asked him for help – to make it look the ambassadors of all countries in the UN. Those ambassadors who have a conscience and a genuine interest in the events that are currently taking place in the People’s Republic of Donetsk “- said the journalist.
On Monday, June 23 disc with pictures will be on the table at the UN Secretary General. Andrei Karaulov also able to contact the Chief of Staff to Barack Obama and to deliver a letter and drive to U.S. President saw the movie and voiced his opinion on it. A similar request by the picture appealed to the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko.“All Western media accredited in Moscow, ignored not only the picture, but that came to the show specifically leader Donetsk Republic, Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the DNI Dennis Pushilin. Afraid to look!”- Said Andrei Sentries.
“Stolen Kosovo”
This documentary was made by Czech Republic TV and banned in all mainstream globalist media in western countries.
It will reveal to you the horrifying story of Kosovo that nobody ever wanted to tell you and debunking all hoaxes,lies and propaganda NATO used for trigger events.
In 1999 NATO bombed Serbia for 78 days and destroyed everything on its way bridges, hospitals, schools, telecommunication buildings,military bases…killing more than 2.500 and wound more than 5.000 civilians.
One of the reasons why NATO bombed Serbia is to build the biggest military base in Albania, so they can move on and destroy other countries in the future.
Albanians demolished many Orthodox monasteries, churches and monuments in Kosovo.
They burned many Serbian houses, destroyed cemeteries and committed ethnic cleansing.
Number of killed Serbian civilians is still unknown. Mass graves are discovered.
Today Albania is the biggest nest of organized crime, human and drug trafficking all over the world.
So who is the real terrorist here?
“Srebrenica – A Town Betrayed”
Documentary movie of the truth about Bosnian town of Srebrenica in July 1995 and the destiny of the Serbs in Sarajevo during the civil war in Bosnia & Herzegovina, 1992-1995. Movie is made by Norwegian directors and shown for the first time in Sweden and Norway in summer 2011. Movie is in English and Serbian language. Made by Norway.
“Jasenovac – Cruelist Death Camp in the WWII” (Not censored!!!)
From August 1941 to April 1945, hundreds of thousands of Serbs, Jews, and Romas, as well as anti-fascists of many nationalities, were murdered at the death camp known as Jasenovac. Estimates of the total numbers of men, women and children killed there range from 300,000 to 700,000. And yet, despite the scale of the crimes committed there, most of the world has never heard of Jasenovac.For more info please go to:
Ratlines (1991, with English subtitles) – Vatican in Smuggling Nazi Ustashas
Ratlines were a system of escape routes for Nazis and other fascists fleeing Europe at the end of World War II. These escape routes mainly led toward havens in South America, particularly Argentina, Paraguay, Brazil, Uruguay, and Chile. Other destinations included the United States and perhaps Canada and the Middle East. There were two primary routes: the first went from Germany to Spain, then Argentina; the second from Germany to Rome to Genoa, then South America. The origins of the first ratlines are connected to various developments in Vatican-Argentine relations before and during World War II.
The major Roman ratline was operated by a small, but influential network of Croatian priests, members of the Franciscan order, led by Father Krunoslav Draganović. Draganović organized a highly sophisticated chain with headquarters at the San Girolamo degli Illirici Seminary College in Rome, but with links from Austria to the final embarcation point in the port of Genoa. The ratline initially focused on aiding members of the Croatian Ustashe movement, most notably the Croat wartime dictator Ante Pavelić.
Priests active in the chain included: Fr. Vilim Cecelja, former Deputy Military Vicar to the Ustashe, based in Austria where many Ustashe and Nazi refugees remained in hiding; Fr. Dragutin Kamber, based at San Girolamo; Fr. Dominik Mandić, an official Vatican representative at San Girolamo and also “General Economist” or treasurer of the Franciscan order – who used this position to put the Franciscan press at the ratline’s disposal; and Monsignor Karlo Petranović, based in Genoa. Vilim would make contact with those hiding in Austria and help them across the border to Italy; Kamber, Mandić and Draganović would find them lodgings, often in the monastery itself, while they arranged documentation; finally Draganović would phone Petranović in Genoa with the number of required berths on ships leaving for South America.
The operation of the Draganović ratline was an open secret among the intelligence and diplomatic communities in Rome. As early as August 1945, Allied commanders in Rome were asking questions about the use of San Girolamo as a “haven” for Ustashe. A year later, a US State Department report of 12 July 1946 lists nine war criminals, including Albanians and Montenegrins as well as Croats, plus others “not actually sheltered in the COLLEGIUM ILLIRICUM [i.e., San Girolamo degli Illirici] but who otherwise enjoy Church support and protection.” The British envoy to the Holy See, Francis Osborne, asked Domenico Tardini, a high ranking Vatican official, for a permission that would have allowed British military police to raid ex-territorial Vatican Institutions in Rome. Tardini declined and denied that the church sheltered war criminals.
In February 1947 CIC Special Agent Robert Clayton Mudd reported ten members of Pavelić’s Ustasha cabinet living either in San Girolamo or in the Vatican itself. Mudd had infiltrated an agent into the monastery and confirmed that it was “honeycombed with cells of Ustashe operatives” guarded by “armed youths”. Mudd also reported: “It was further established that these Croats travel back and forth from the Vatican several times a week in a car with a chauffeur whose license plate bears the two initials CD, “Corpo Diplomatico”. It issues forth from the Vatican and discharges its passengers inside the Monastery of San Geronimo. Subject to diplomatic immunity it is impossible to stop the car and discover who are its passengers.” Mudd’s conclusion was the following: “DRAGANOVIC’s sponsorship of these Croat Ustashes definitely links him up with the plan of the Vatican to shield these ex-Ustasha nationalists until such time as they are able to procure for them the proper documents to enable them to go to South America. The Vatican, undoubtedly banking on the strong anti-Communist feelings of these men, is endeavoring to infiltrate them into South America in any way possible to counteract the spread of Red doctrine. It has been reliably reported, for example that Dr. VRANCIC has already gone to South America and that Ante PAVELIC and General KREN are scheduled for an early departure to South America through Spain. All these operations are said to have been negotiated by DRAGANOVIC because of his influence in the Vatican.”
The existence of Draganović’s ratline has been confirmed by a Vatican historian, Fr. Robert Graham: “I’ve no doubt that Draganović was extremely active in syphoning off his Croatian Ustashe friends.” On four occasions the Vatican intervened on behalf of interned Ustasha prisoners. The Secretariat of State asked the U.K. and U.S. government to release Croatian POWs from British internment camps in Italy.
Documentary movie: “God and Croats” (with English subtitle), 1993
Original Title: ‘Bog i Hrvati’
Produced and directed by Krsto Škanata
DUNAV FILM Beograd, 1993“The omission of Croatia from the conventional Holocaust studies is like a book whose first chapter is torn out”
Jonathan Steinberg
Walter H. Annenberg Professor of Modern European History, Harvard & Cambridge UniversityThe existence of the iron curtain, the political tension of the Cold War, and the ever-lasting involvement of the powers that be in the strategic hub of Eurasia have prevented the world from hearing about the most ruthless part of the Holocaust, which was additionally fueled by the flame of religious fundamentalism from past times. Owing to thousand-years-old agreed territorial division between the Eastern Orthodox and Western Catholic Church and the discrepancy of religious distribution along the demarcation line, the Catholic Church decided to seize the opportunity for its own Final Solution in the drive to the East. The opportunity came with Hitler. It resulted in Catholic clergy providing logistics and ideological foundation to the quisling Nazi state in the Balkans. In Nazi Croatia established by Adolf Hitler, Nazi Ideology went hand in hand with Catholic fundamentalism, starting the most brutal extermination of Serbs, Jews and Gypsies. The savagery of the worst religious massacre of the 20th century managed to horrify even the German Nazis and Italian Fascists, with several high German officials asking Hitler to remove the vicious Utashe regime. To the misfortune of 700’000-800’000 victims, this never happened. In 1945, the ironic twist of history brings communists lead by Tito (a Croatian Catholic) in power in former Yugoslavia, placing Croatia on the winning side. Tito orders all death camp facilities to be dismantled and removed, and proclaims a new state ideology of brotherhood and unity. The Utashe genocide remains under the veil of silence. The silence continued to this day, for the most of the world. The victims were never acknowledged, no apology was ever made. The extent of this tragedy has people in disbelief. That is why the author of the following documentary gathered testimonies along with references from foreign sources and publications, trying to pay respect to victims’ suffering by saving them from oblivion.
“Ukraine: Masks of the Revolution”, France, 2016
“Ukraine, masks of the revolution” a film by Paul Moreira from PREMIERES LIGNES on Vimeo.
“Ukraine: Masks of the revolution” by Paul Moreira sheds light on this blind corner.
The hard-hitting documentary by Paul Moreira “Ukraine, les masques de la révolution” [Ukraine: Masks of the Revolution], released on Monday night by Canal+, created a turmoil both in Ukraine and France well before the premiere. On Sunday the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry reported in Facebook that their Ambassador in France had sent an outraged letter to Canal+ where he condemned the documentary as a “a pamphlet at the height of the worst disinformation traditions” “using primitive methods of journalistic manipulation, including the handling of comments of respondents, distorted in translation and facts and purely fabricated images“. The same day Le Monde doubled the pressure on Canal+. Paul Moreira has calmly and respectfully responded to his critics by a detailed post translated into English here. To the credit of Canal Plus’ management, the documentary was screened in time.
Please watch it attentively. And let’s try to understand why it has infuriated so much the official Kiev.To be fair, the masterpiece did not reveal anything new. So far there were a lot of separate investigations by international organizations, NGOs, concerned individuals etc on different aspects of the “Revolution of Dignity“: who actually killed the “heavenly hundred“, what happened in Odessa in May 2014, what is going on in the zone of “anti-terrorist operation” in the South-East of Ukraine, where are the “Russian troops” and where are the Western mercenaries there… But most of them were successfully ignored by the mainstream Western media, stick to their comfortable myths about Euromaidan.
The principal danger of Paul Moreira heartbreaking 50-minutes long documentary is that it exposed all critically important lies and silenced facts about “Revolution of Dignity” and its agents in a concentrated form at the established French TV channel.
Paul Moreira did not do anything but showed a simple and honest truth – there was no dignity in that “revolution”. There is no “free civilizational choice” and “independent and legitimate authorities” in today’s Ukraine. There are gangsters licensed to kill and rob, psychopaths and criminals in the “democratic parliament”, parallel Nazi-inspired army, foreign officials who manipulate the political process in a sovereign country, media under total nationalist control etc. His argumentation and picture are so evident, eloquent and bright that there is no reasonable way to refute them. Here is the cause of hysteria and calls to ban (which paradoxically has triggered unprecedented public attention to the movie far beyond France) – they understand that an open and fair discussion would lead further undesirable revelations against the interim rulers in Kiev.
One more pleasant outcome of this story is that the rumors about clinical death of the independent journalism in the West are apparently somewhat exaggerated…
“Dirty War on Siria”
Government propaganda and NGO misinformation have coloured the story of the war on Syria from its inception. Stepping in to set the record straight, Dr. Tim Anderson explores the real beginnings of the conflict, the players behind it, and their agenda in his new book, “The Dirty War on Syria: Washington, Regime Change and Resistance”.
“The Origin of Islamic State”
Truth in Media, THE ORIGIN OF ISIS
Ben Swann explores the origin of ISIS that has already been long forgotten by American media.
Swann takes on the central issue of whether or not ISIS was created by “inaction” by the United States government or by “direct” action.
Link to the movie: THE ORIGIN OF ISIS
Originally posted by Posted by Ben Swann on Thursday, 19 March 2015
Destruction of Palmyra (2016)
“Just rubble, a ruin, completely destroyed.” – @lindseyhilsum reveals the full scale of destruction in Palmyra.
— Channel 4 News (@Channel4News) April 2, 2016
Updated on 2020-09-03