The expansion of militant Islamism from places such as Afghanistan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia to parts of...
As a condition for the “Westerners” giving the go-ahead for a new date to be set, the...
Interviews with three Serbian women from Kosovo. The interviewer, Jared Israel. The translator, Petar Makara [...]
The Srebrenica massacre has played a special role in the politics of Western treatment of the restructuring...
The first serious challenge to the post-WWII Yugoslavia was the Albanian rebellion in Kosovo-Metochia in 1944/1945, started...
Every now and then we are being bombed by some terms in order to get used to...
Great Powers upon the spheres of influences in South-East Europe was only temporarily settled in 1782 when...
The Communist dictatorship was formally legalized by the first post-war Constitution (January 31st, 1946) which abolished the...
John Robles spoke to Stephen Karganovic on the history of Srebrenica in this special interview on the...
The process of gradual collapsing of Tito’s SFRY which was finally ended in the total destruction of...
The most barbaric and notorious death camp (the “Ninth Circle of Hell”) during WWII in Europe was...
Article by Vladislav B. Sotirovic: „Nationalism and Territorial Claims of the Yugoslavs: Challenge to Re-Map the Balkans...
The ICTY (International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia) has discharged Slobodan Milosevic from 1992-95 Bosnian war...
The revelation was part of a presentation on a 2 1/2 year investigation into atrocities that also...
Bosnia itself is a divided creature barely on political life support. Rather than promoting reconciliation, one of...
One of the claims of Albanian historiography is that the Central Balkan tribe – Dardanians, who settled...
This article deals with the question of political and human/minority rights in the region of Kosovo &...
South-East Serbia's province of Kosovo-Metochia (KosMet) is an autochthonous Slavic, in particular Serb, land. Now, the focal...
Where is the Republican Congress? Many in that body are today whining that Clinton moved unilaterally into...
“Balkanization” is the weaponized perversion of anti-colonialism taken to its ultimate extreme, and it’s being wielded by...
Historian Ivo Goldstein launched a new study of Croatia’s Jasenovac concentration camp, challenging attempts to downplay the...
As the Kosovo Liberation Army has been accused of terrorism and seeks independence from Belgrade, which the...
Efraim Zuroff, the chief Nazi-hunter of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, tweeted the following just before the event:...
Western morality is that the victims of history who suffered 600 years of victimhood at the hands...
During J. B. Tito’s rule (1945−1980), Macedonian nationalism had always been controlled by the central government but...
The Turkish Ottomans would be pleased with the bidding of America, the United Kingdom, and other Western...
The Balkans has always been cursed by a recurring theme: that each entity within it can, at...
The ultraright-wing ideology on which the state-building process was executed in Croatia in the 1990s was fundamentally...
Probably, the HDZ’s deny of any kind of the regional autonomy in Croatia was the expression of...
20 years ago in the civil war in Bosnia, hundreds of Arab jihadists came to join Bosnian...
The Albanian separatist war started with the abductions and mass murders of Yugoslav police and Kosovo Serb...
Today, as a result of the HDZ’s policy of extreme ethno-confessional nationalism, Croatia is, since mid-1995, “more...
American and British leaders knew the facts about Yugoslavia. They knew the nature of the Josip Broz...
A Yugoslav Communist Major Franjo Tuđman (left) with his Croatian compatriot Communist Captain Joža Horvat (right) as...
Bosnia’s Nazi past and role in the genocide of Bosnian and Krajina Serbs, Jews, and Roma during...
After three trips to Moscow, St. Petersburg and the Crimea this year, and twelve visits to Russia...
As for a Montenegrin Highlander Slobodan Milošević, his principal concerns were staying in power, and all other...
What is really missing in the Western media reports on Macedonia’s referendum is a very and fundamental...
Kosovo was never a political entity of any kind until 1945, when the Communist regime that reconstructed...
Bosnian Muslim Hazim Delic, the deputy commander of the Celebici camp, was found guilty of rape and...
Land of bitterness, resentment and loss of hope, a state of confusion and impatience, with her eyes...
Dick Marty’s report showed that the KLA headed by Kosovo present-day premier Hashim Thaci (a notorious butcher...
The image of Draza Mihailovich was a falsified and distorted image created by Communist propagandists and hacks...
The first offensive of the Waffen SS division against Draza Mihailovich’s forces in Serbia in 1942 was...
You're protesting a US-sponsored coup in your country? Well then you're a xenophobe [...]
Gavrilo Princip’s house in Sarajevo was destroyed three times and rebuilt twice. The house was first destroyed...
P. R. Vitezović’s writings were especially directed against pro-Venetian texts of the famous historian and doctor of...
The article will examine the model for the creation of a Greater Croatia designed by a Croatian...
From a geopolitical perspective, the war on Yugoslavia in the 1990s was about restructuring Southeast Europe after...
The NATO occupation was seen by Arab/Muslim countries as an opportunity to transform Kosovo-Metohija into a Muslim...