The first serious challenge to the post-WWII Yugoslavia was the Albanian rebellion in Kosovo-Metochia in 1944/1945, started...
One can only imagine the risk when some citizens of a small country conceal hundreds of thousands...
Bogdan was born in Gorazdevac, where according to him after 1999 people turned immune to the sounds...
The first Balkan province already de facto incorporated into the united national state of the Illyro-Albanians with...
The 1999 Rambouillet Accord was a classical ultimatum designed intentionally by the USA in order to force...
The dossier reports that Thaci, who has recently been elected president of Kosovo, was one of the...
The revelation was part of a presentation on a 2 1/2 year investigation into atrocities that also...
One of the claims of Albanian historiography is that the Central Balkan tribe – Dardanians, who settled...
South-East Serbia's province of Kosovo-Metochia (KosMet) is an autochthonous Slavic, in particular Serb, land. Now, the focal...
The fate of the Hindu women captured alive by Muslims was worse than death. Even as their...
Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov is calling for an “impartial investigation” into grisly reports by a European investigative...
Barack Obama’s speech on Ukrainian crisis seems to have left the public confused as he claimed that...
Why are we about to attack Yugoslavia? Secretary of Defense William Cohen responds, “It’s up to NATO,...
The economic motives of NATO’s military games are actually not a secret. Of interest here is the...
Merjem has lived all his life in Albania, but believes his homeland is wherever there are Muslim...
To create an ethnically pure Shqiptar Kosovo, which Albanian called “Kosova”, the Shqiptari (Albanians) launched a widescale...
Berisha said that when he returned to Kosovo after Muhaxheri granted him permission to leave, an Albanian...
Some 150 Kosovars have gone to fight in Syria and Iraq, primarily for Islamic State, or for...
In 1999, when Belgrade was bombed, the children’s hospital was the object of air attacks. It had...
Ethnic cleansing in Kosovo was used as a pretext for bombing Yugoslavia. And the incident in the...
One of the biggest and most outlandish US infowar and propaganda whoppers of the 1999 Kosovo conflict...
History is in many ways a myth we create for ourselves. History is constantly falsified to justify...
Clinton-Obama legacy in crosshairs as truth about ‘freedom fighters’ now revealed […]
Publicity-addicted Albanian gangsters have caused more media fury in Britain by boasting of their ill-gotten gains on...
The recognition of the independence of Kosovo has opened up a Pandora’s Box and unleashed a dangerous...
In the recent decades, several groups of people in Bosnia, Kosovo, Serbia, Albania and Macedonia have appeared...
Here, it has to be noticed that since the 1878 League of Prizren onward, any Albanian program...
One of the arguments for interpreting the present demographic distribution has always been the ethnic purity of...
In conclusion, Kosovo is de facto separated from Serbia, de iure, quasi-independent state but in reality, an...
Osama bin Laden was a prominent supporter of the Izetbegović’s regime in Bosnia-Herzegovina, and, according to the...
Serbian community leader in NATO-occupied Kosovo, Oliver Ivanović, was gunned down, mafia-style, in front of his party...
Response to Noel Malcolm’s Book KOSOVO. A SHORT HISTORY (Third part) […]
The political tension and mistrust were used to abuse the educational system. The lecturers from other universities...
Surely, a territory of Kosovo-Metochia or the Ancient Serbia (from the Italian mediaeval sources a Vecchia Servia)...
Kosovo is a part of the region on the south-west of Serbia, called Kosovo and Metohia, which...
Meyer’s hypothetical claims were taken up by a majority of Albanian authors, primarily from Italy, who made...
Response to Noel Malcolm’s Book KOSOVO. A SHORT HISTORY (First part) […]
Clint Williamson, the chief prosecutor of a special European Union task force, declared that senior members of...
Ethnic Macedonians have all the arguments and facts to be afraid of looming war in Macedonia and...
Macedonia’s resistance to the unipolar Color Revolution and Unconventional War being unleashed against it is thus going...
The main focus is the Albanian criminal syndicates centered on Kosovo. The research is composed by previous...
A book review by Gregory Elich: George Szamuely. Bombs for Peace: NATO’s Humanitarian War on Yugoslavia....
Ironically, while Morocco is trying to convince nations to de-recognize the Sahrawi Republic, it has withheld recognition...
Interview. Compared to our ancestors, we are really distinguished by cowardice, fatalistic passivity and laziness. All this,...
The Albanian Roman Catholic mass was served in Serbian ancient town and mine, Novo Brdo, in Serbian...
In the communist era, Albania isolated herself to an extreme degree, displaying xenophobia unknown in modern European...
Photo evidence of a rapid Islamization of EuroChristian southern province of the Republic of Serbia - Kosovo-Metochia...
Kosovo’s municipal authorities continue to ignore the growing number of illegally built mosques, which now total more...
The spread of Salafism originated in Bosnia-Herzegovina in the 1990s, when thousands of jihadists fought alongside Bosnian...
The Serbian press has speculated that one of the conditions that Greece must fulfill to receive financial...