Jewish and Serb organisations have boycotted the official commemoration at the Jasenovac concentration camp since the Croatian...
A recent survey by The Azrieli Foundation showed an alarming 52% of Canadian millennials cannot name even...
Many Croatian schoolchildren know little about crimes committed under the country’s World War II-era fascist regime –...
The continuing rise of fascism around the world is drawing increasing attention particularly as it takes firmer...
Efraim Zuroff, the chief Nazi-hunter of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, tweeted the following just before the event:...
The range of moral and political issues raised by the Ustaša movement and the regime it established...
Despite laws against the denial or diminishment of genocide crimes, the EU’s newest member state has done...
Amid a growing trend towards historical revisionism in the country, Croatian television and newspapers offer airtime and...
This paper sets out to examine and clarify the historical development of the ideological concept of Pan-Slavism,...
The ultraright-wing ideology on which the state-building process was executed in Croatia in the 1990s was fundamentally...
Probably, the HDZ’s deny of any kind of the regional autonomy in Croatia was the expression of...
Today, as a result of the HDZ’s policy of extreme ethno-confessional nationalism, Croatia is, since mid-1995, “more...
A Yugoslav Communist Major Franjo Tuđman (left) with his Croatian compatriot Communist Captain Joža Horvat (right) as...
P. R. Vitezović’s writings were especially directed against pro-Venetian texts of the famous historian and doctor of...
The article will examine the model for the creation of a Greater Croatia designed by a Croatian...
At the very start, it must be mentioned that Nazi Croatia during WWII (1941−1945) concerning its inner...
A new book about Croatia’s WWII Jasenovac concentration camp distorts historical facts to suggest that inmates weren’t...
As a result of the Polonization of the vast territories of East-Central Europe from 1569 to 1795...
Historical revisionists in Croatia and Ukraine are selectively quoting archive sources to politically whitewash their country’s involvement...
An article published by Croatia’s best-read newspaper downplaying the atrocities at the Jasenovac concentration camp was an...
When two ministers praised two Croatian war criminals last week, it highlighted senior officials’ moral failure to...
On September 10th, 2015 a City Council of Croatia’s capital Zagreb decided to promote a war criminal...
The Vatican denied and ignored the role it played in the genocide committed in Croatia and Bosnia...
Why does the Croatian government want to honor people with such a legacy? And why is it...
As a matter of fact, many ethnic Slavs have participated in the armies led by the Iranian-Sarmatian...
From the barbarity in Croatia during World War II there is a direct historical link to the...
‘Operation Storm’ in August 1995, when Croatia overran the Serb-inhabited territory of Krajina, was the biggest single...
Mass Killings of Serbs for Organs Only Boosted in Kosovo, But it Started Earlier in Croatia, Vukovar

Mass Killings of Serbs for Organs Only Boosted in Kosovo, But it Started Earlier in Croatia, Vukovar
Contrary to the popular belief, the bloodiest trade in history (when organs were taken away from captured...
The Anti-Fascist League of Croatia filed a detailed criminal complaint in which it claimed that Sedlar had...
The Republic of Croatia has, since its independence, often reverted to the imagery of its Second World...
The NDH was internationally recognized by Germany, Italy, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Japan, Spain, National China, Finland, Denmark,...
Excerpt from book God and the Fascists: The Vatican Alliance with Mussolini, Franco, Hitler, and Pavelić, by...
The film ‘Dara of Jasenovac’, about a Serb girl in the World War II Jasenovac concentration camp...
Anti-communist campaigns in Eastern Europe aren’t about building a more democratic society — they’re about rehabilitating the...
In the years 1942-1943 also in Croatia existed numerous extermination camps, run by Catholic Ustasha under their...
The September 24, 1942 visit by NDH leader Ante Pavelic to Golubinskaya outside of Stalingrad was the...
The National Committee of Croatia for the investigation of the crimes of the occupation forces and their...
The Croat ultranationalists (i.e., the followers of the Ustashi movement) called in the 1990s for the full...
The so called "Croatian scenario", is something that has been periodically brought up after the start of...
The book describes the activities of the Roman Catholic clergy in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, including their...
Stories of resistance to Croatia’s fascist Ustasa can help counter revisionists’ attempts to rehabilitate the World War...
The destruction of the Serbian economy, by the Serbian Government, on the orders of Washington and Brussels,...
The radical and revisionist messages of far-right Croatian politicians and historians find a sympathetic audience among many...
The Serb holocaust during the WWII in the Independent State of Croatia is not a misnomer, an...
Croatia’s president, the former deputy NATO secretary general for public diplomacy Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic, decided to pay homage...
The Illyrian Movement (1830–1847) presents the most important period of the Croat national(istic) revival movement, which was...
In the Yugoslav historiography (1918–1941; 1945–1991) Lj. Gaj’s decision to choose a Illyrian name and the štokavian...
Become familiar with the basic info about one of the most beautiful countries in the world -...
Lj. Gaj and his followers required that the Croatian national language has to be accepted as an...
The NDH consisted of modern-day Croatia and most of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as some parts...