Critics are sure of incompetence of the Federal Minister of Defence, Ursula von der Leyen. Though she...
According to Moore (and many other journalists, researchers and alternative media outlets), Judith Miller’s story was completely...
Impeachment in the USA is the legal procedure by which any public official, including the President of...
NATO troops participated and took a very active part in the US led invasion of Afghanistan, which...
Despite Poroshenko's electoral campaign in the country's regions and an active information campaign promoting the OCU, the...
The first Balkan province already de facto incorporated into the united national state of the Illyro-Albanians with...
While Prof. Sotirović is right in his assessment that Turkey is hypocritical to say at least, he...
The first panacea for a mismanaged nation is inflation of the currency; the second is war. Both...
All the while – there is a real danger of a nuclear war – People, wake up!...
A recent survey by The Azrieli Foundation showed an alarming 52% of Canadian millennials cannot name even...
Palestine, the land claimed by both sides was known under this term in international relations (IR) from...
The 1999 Rambouillet Accord was a classical ultimatum designed intentionally by the USA in order to force...
The ICTY (International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia) has discharged Slobodan Milosevic from 1992-95 Bosnian war...
Do you remember the US coup in Ukraine against the democratically elected government and its replacement with...
The proposal was rejected in the name of further NATO eastward expansion which was in many Western...
The dossier reports that Thaci, who has recently been elected president of Kosovo, was one of the...
Lord Ismay, perhaps unwittingly, let the cat out of the bag in his statement all those years...
The statistics show that expenditure on outbound tourism was down in 2015 over the previous year by...
A map of Russian global imperialism that you must see it! [...]
The Balkan is today more unstable. Europe is even more divided. Europe’s backtracking to itself requires some...
The Self proclaimed Republic of Kosovo, as a creation of the USA/NATO joint aggression against the Federal...
Zionist Jews in and out of Israel must confront the reality that Jewish supremacy in Israel, as...
Following the collapse of communism in Albania and this country falling into anarchy, many army storage facilities...
The revelation was part of a presentation on a 2 1/2 year investigation into atrocities that also...
Italy is in a position, looking from a geographical and geostrategic point of view, to play one...
The concept of citizenship is in most cases understood as a research issue within the political science...
It is true that, in fact, the concept of „humanitarian intervention“ is originating in the principle of...
Bosnia itself is a divided creature barely on political life support. Rather than promoting reconciliation, one of...
The miserably failed “humanitarian aid” delivery into Venezuela on February 23 is another nail in the coffin...
One of the claims of Albanian historiography is that the Central Balkan tribe – Dardanians, who settled...
This article deals with the question of political and human/minority rights in the region of Kosovo &...
The 2004 “March Pogrom” in Kosovo: A book of photo evidence! (Making ISIL of a Greater Muslim...
The Name of Kosovo-Metochia: What does it mean? An Explanation […]
“Collateral Damage” and The “Pre-emptive” First Strike Use of Nuclear Weapons [...]
On January 17, Ukraine’s Verkhovna Rada (parliament) passed the bill No. 4128 on new amendments regarding the...
The Balkan Peninsula is bordered by six seas at its three sides: by the Adriatic Sea and...
This article aims to investigate the nature of NATO’s war on Yugoslavia in 1999 which has as...
Much like it was for Al Qaeda before it, the world according to ISIS is characterized by...
I was invited to Vilnius by a youth organization called Kryptis. On February 15, I spoke at...
South-East Serbia's province of Kosovo-Metochia (KosMet) is an autochthonous Slavic, in particular Serb, land. Now, the focal...
Fellow Americans, if you care to avoid vaporization and, assuming we do avoid it, live a life...
The fate of the Hindu women captured alive by Muslims was worse than death. Even as their...
The New York Times’ descent into yellow journalism over Russia recalls the sensationalism of Hearst and Pulitzer...
First, after the liberation of Deir Ezzor, which is located not far from the Iraqi border, the...
Unfortunately, being a member of the EU, Lithuania so hardly depends on the US in military and...
Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov is calling for an “impartial investigation” into grisly reports by a European investigative...
Based on an important FOIA disclosure, the book’s headline revelation was that the CIA was very likely...
Where is the Republican Congress? Many in that body are today whining that Clinton moved unilaterally into...
Infographic about the conflict between central administration in Madrid and a separatist movement in Catalonia. Data from...
The two lands that produce the world’s highest-cost-to-produce oil are Canada and Venezuela. Both extract their oil...