Much like it was for Al Qaeda before it, the world according to ISIS is characterized by...
This is a report which attempts to detail a history of the rise of ISIS and to...
All around Kosovo, families are grappling with the aftermath of years of proselytizing by Saudi-trained preachers. Some...
Israel claims that it’s in a mortal struggle with Islamic terrorists … But as we reported last...
Muhaxheri has a history in Kosovo of supporting extremists in Syria. On May 12, the Kosovo daily...
Why was there no interest in investigating and punishing these war crimes in Kosovo? […]
The Obama Administration has imposed a diabolical consensus with the support of its allies, not to mention...
Reports that US and British aircraft carrying arms to ISIS were shot down by Iraqi forces (Iraqi...
Despite the fact that Faysal accepted the ultimatum in principle, France decided it was time for him...
The world has suddenly realised that there is a “refugee crisis”. There are more refugees now than...
Whilst Da’esh are constantly being compared to the Nazis, the real parallel – the West’s willingness to...
Interestingly, even the BBC admitted that there was a plan circulating around the British establishment in 2012...
Excerpts from the introduction of Christopher L. Brennan’s recently released Book […]
What’s unique is the Saudi-U.S. petrodollar alliance, which is spawning wars for both god and greed, which...
The U.S. government has warned that it will treat regimes that harbor or assist terrorist organizations the...
Hiding genocide in Kosovo…Ever since NATO aggression in 1999, there has been the systematic destruction of any...
On all sides – Serbs, Croatians, Moslems – the ordinary people have all lost. Moslems won the...
Few in the Middle East doubt that Washington is playing a ‘double game’ with its proxy armies...
Whatever else people may or may not understand about the Syrian conflict, they should be clear that...
Those responsible, including Nicolas Sarkozy, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, David Cameron, King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud...
Taking it even further, the Albanians hope that this will kick start the territorial rearrangement of the...
As with Kosovo, an internal conflict between a government and armed rebels is being cast as a...
Expect an Erratic Flip-Flop Foreign Policy, a Return to Gunboat Diplomacy, and More Illegal Wars of Aggression...
Endless wars define US policy – waged against invented enemies because real ones don’t exist [...]
Photo evidence of a rapid Islamization of EuroChristian southern province of the Republic of Serbia - Kosovo-Metochia...
Ben Swann explores the origin of ISIS that has already been long forgotten by American media [...]
Adem, sipping Turkish coffee from a tiny cup, says that several months after attending religious classes some...
An examination of the amendment makes clear, however, that the measures are not about fighting ISIS, which...
Finally, the armed KLA rebellion in May 2015 against the state of Macedonia was used as a...
Just south of the Serbian area of Raška Oblast is the Montenegrin part of Raška region, where,...
Europe’s Palmyra: How Kosovo’s Medieval Serbian Christian Culture was Demolished by Muslim Albanians

Europe’s Palmyra: How Kosovo’s Medieval Serbian Christian Culture was Demolished by Muslim Albanians
Shortly after the destruction of the monuments, the Mayor of Venice Massimo Cacciari said it was as...
Israeli historian Benny Morris denies the ethnic cleansing of Palestine, but his own research shows that this...
Video about the destruction of Syrian Palmyra [...]
Last but not least, Abdullah, following the template of his American advisors, also sought to outsource some...
Kosovo ISIL – A Photo Documentation: A photo documentation of the destruction of (Serbian) Christianity in Kosovo...
Recently, the West and the Middle East pundits and analysts have been trying to analyze the provisions...
We are witnessing a presidential election of epic farce. The Republican Party nominates the caricature of a...
Fiction prevails over reality. For propaganda to be effective, public opinion must firmly endorse the official 9/11...
The 16th Division has been responsible for many of the missile attacks on residential areas inside the...
The turning point of the Islamic militarization of the Bosnian-Herzegovinian Muslims occurred in 1943 when, at the...
For over 40 years, Gaddafi promoted economic democracy and used the nationalized oil wealth to sustain progressive...
In his speech, Mr. Erdogan failed to mention to his audience that the nation he was talking...
Kabul as it stands remains in control of the large population centers and roughly 70% of the...
It is hardly a coincidence that the Declaration of Independence, Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations, and Johann...
The unexpectedness of the developments is personified by the self-declared commander of the ethnic Albanian fighters in...
On 10 August 2016, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump accused president Barak Hussein Obama and Democrat presidential...
Inside America, the term that’s used for referring to anyone who opposes this spreading of ‘democracy’, is...
US-sponsored Islamic Fighters in the Balkans: Washington was behind the 2001 terrorist attacks in Macedonia [...]
Kosovo, the tiny Muslim-majority Balkan nation of just 1.8 million, has produced more foreign fighters per capita...
The proposition that Muammar Gaddafi would have ordered the massacre of civilians in Benghazi [which was...