To understand this more comprehensively, Ukraine, Zbig’s Grand Chessboard – How the West Was Checkmated is an...
Comparing the reaction to the evidence of two war crimes reveals how much the United States has...
Stop Killary Clinton! [...]
To be sure, Pifer acknowledges that Gorbachev also said that NATO’s expansion beyond Germany was “a violation...
It is critical to understand that no insurgency or terror group represents an existential threat to viability...
US-sponsored Islamic Fighters in the Balkans: Washington was behind the 2001 terrorist attacks in Macedonia [...]
The US representative to the United Nations, Ambassador ‘Ranting Sam’ Samantha Power, accused the Russian and Syrian...
Hillary Clinton must already have promised all colonialist, fascist and imperialist nations/forces the continued US support under...
In the email, released by Wikileaks, then Secretary of State Clinton says that the “best way to...
This article investigates the Russian foreign politics at the region of the Balkan Peninsula after the dissolution...
The background of the induced panic has been dealt with cogently and extensively by Prof. Igor...
This history of Russia, America and political intervention begins right at the beginning of the history of...
The truth on relations between the Vatican and the rest of the world [...]
Those American Jews who are strongly attached to Israel and somehow find themselves in senior policy-making positions...
The British government should immediately announce the termination of its participation in Washington’s sanctions on Russia and...
In recent years, some strong research has begun to emerge on the genocides against Armenians and Assyrians....
Article by Vladislav B. Sotirović: “Who are the Albanians? The Illyrian Anthroponomy and the Ethnogenesis of the...
Balkan towns implementing Sharia law? Alarming, but not unprecedented [...]
The Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal found all SS members to be war criminals who committed crimes against...
During the Second World War, tens of thousands of Muslims fought on the side of the National...
However, such official protests by the Albanians were much more a way of propaganda work but not...
Nato is indeed well-prepared for medical emergencies and has a logistics system ideally suited to cope with...
The people of Donetsk sent a farewell message to ex-President of the US (POTUS) Barack Obama with...
Even President Obama was forced to admit that the terrorist organisation Islamic State «is a direct outgrowth...
It was true that the KLA realized very well that the more Albanian civilians were killed as...
During the Lietūkis Garage Massacre, carried out before the invading Germans had actually set up their administration,...
Kosovo, the tiny Muslim-majority Balkan nation of just 1.8 million, has produced more foreign fighters per capita...
The NATO war on Yugoslavia which culminated in the 78-days bombing of historic cities and infrastructures –...
After declaring the local dialect of Serbian as the new “Montenegrin” language in its first-post independence constitution...
The UK was excessively biased against Serbia. Vučić noted the difference between the UK's stance, versus a...
The proposition that Muammar Gaddafi would have ordered the massacre of civilians in Benghazi [which was...
In times of crisis, the EU proclaims that Kosovo is, in fact, Serbia’s responsibility. This unprincipled nature...
False thrillers will now be written about the Russians hacking the American elections. Money and TV serials...
In August 1492, Columbus departed Spain with three ships – the Santa Maria, the Pinta, and the...
A lot has been written about Nagorno (Mountainous) Karabagh, or Artsakh; people have different opinions of it....
The missile attack on a US ship off the coast of Yemen was a major news event,...
Yugoslavia was a multinational country with different national and ethnic groups coexisting together and two dominant nations...
Read the opinion by Noam Chomsky about POTUS (Presidents of USA) after the Second World War in...
On December 7, 1941 the U.S. naval base in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii was attacked by Japanese forces....
Former US President Jimmy Carter, in an interview with radio station “Voice of America”, said that the...
The Serb holocaust during the WWII in the Independent State of Croatia is not a misnomer, an...
President Obama is still considering arming Ukraine in case the latest ceasefire is breached and the conflict...
Last movie by famous French movie maker Paul Moreira on Canal+ (France) broadcasted 01/02/2016. Some French citizens...
All of Adolf Hitler’s actions, from the time he rose to power in 1933 until 1939, could...
The following article focussing on the jihadist terrorist insurgency in Macedonia was first published by in...
After the Great War, the elites on both sides of the English Channel had been forced to...
North Macedonia’s accession into NATO marks the completion of one of the key goals of the country...
We all know how the story goes. The Golan Heights is Syrian territory that has been occupied...
Most of the countries appear to have a small concentration of US bases (below 10). That’s compared...
The Machiavellian US-invented venture, called European Union with the equally US-invented common currency – the Eurozone –...