As a direct consequence of the Mongol military invasion, the political-social organization of a bigger part of...
The final entry in Ethnographies of U.S. Empire arrived at the most comprehensive analysis of the stratified...
The Empire of Persia was the first global empire to cover the parts of the three continents...
The sources of available information on reported chemical weapon attack are the Syrian Observatory and the White...
All 78 North Korean cities were leveled, along with thousands of villages. The US quite literally wiped...
Although many Nazis were brought to book for their crimes, no British were, Declan Hayes writes [...]
There has been a lot of worry about the Constitution and basic democratic rights since Trump’s election....
One of the focal historical features of the western (West European) civilization was and is imperialistic colonization...
She served well under the Obama administration, which was actually much more ‘successful’ in subjugating the colonies...
Today it is clear to pretty much everyone that Washington’s anti-drug campaign in Afghanistan has failed miserably...
By the middle of the 19th century, “the Rothschilds were the richest family in the world, perhaps...
The American Empire is crying genocide again. It’s an old song that the war class loves to...
Citizens of the U.S., like myself, who have long studied these matters and have opposed our nation’s...
On the Saturday morning after the bombs fell in Damascus and Homs, Omalii Yeshitela, chairman of the...
In recent years, some strong research has begun to emerge on the genocides against Armenians and Assyrians....
Do not close your eyes [...]
Article is published as: “The Serbian Patriarchate of Peć in the Ottoman Empire: The First Phase (1557−94)”,...
Hillary Clinton’s use of the horrific crime in Orlando to instigate further crimes against untold innocents abroad...
The tombstone of the Swedish Empire was carved at the Battle of Poltava in central Ukraine in...
Americans need to begin acting like Americans again and say NO to empire and YES to saving...
No serious expert would say that self-proclaimed Kosovo is financially viable without the support of the West....
Catalan independence can be good or bad - it depends on the Catalan people to make it...
When Yugoslavia collapsed at the start of 1990s, there was nothing predetermined about what followed. One possibility...
The empire will limp along, steadily losing influence until the dollar is dropped as the world’s reserve...
Turning now to Crimea, Kosovo and Catalonia, the Crimean referendum, long on its Russian population’s minds, became...
The cult’s writings upon Prince Lazar contain a number of facts relevant to the post-Kosovo Battle period...