The West’s hypocrisy is increasingly recognized to be the emperor who has no clothes; but this emperor’s...
Global Politics
The magazine is covering the research gaps uncovered by global Western hoax mainstream media platforms and academic teaching & research institutions.
This is an alternative information & academic research digest platform with the purpose to offer an alternative “another side of the truth”.
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The expansion of NATO itself is a violation of commitments made to Russia post-Cold War. While publications...
Some of the neo-Nazis President Obama helped put in power in Ukraine carried Confederate flags. U.S. society...
Hence the standing policy of the US regime since 1945, since that 6th of August when the...
In the USA, elections are organized on a regular basis for the President, both houses of Congress...
It is widely known that the US, EU, and fascist radicals mainly from the former Polish regions...
John Robles spoke to Stephen Karganovic on the history of Srebrenica in this special interview on the...
What is acutely worrying is that the US leaders have now set a highly dangerous subjective threshold...
In order for privately controlled arms-producers to thrive, there is just as much of a need for...
The process of gradual collapsing of Tito’s SFRY which was finally ended in the total destruction of...
It seems American strategists have studied the Chinese paper thoroughly. They are engaging in most of those...
Tony Blair, Britain’s then Prime Minister, welcomed the killings when speaking at NATO’s 50th anniversary summit in...
Is it Acceptable? [...]
What eventually became the EU, the European Coal and Steel Community, was formed by six Western European...
President Monroe promulgated his doctrine for the reason that he saw an opportunity for the special geopolitical...
Israeli historians Benny Morris and Dror Ze’evi’s new book, “The Thirty Year Genocide,” makes the even more...
These incriminating documents, taken together, indicate a pervasive and
organized criminal network represented in government officials, working on
Like the destruction of the Ottoman Empire at the end of World War I, the destruction of...
For the past almost 16 years, the United States has been systematically destroying a region of the...
Differently to Portugal, Spain, on the other hand, adopted from the very beginning of the Latin American...
In 1987 the US Justice Department declared Kurt Waldheim a dangerous agent; forever forbidding his re-entry onto...
In June of this year, the U.S. led a campaign to retake the city of Raqqa from...
On October 8, 1950, at 4.17 p.m. local time, two Lockheed F-80C Lockheed "Schutting Star (Meteor)" violated...
The First Intifada was, in fact, the spontaneous uprising in 1987 which lasted until 1993. It began...
The Lithuanian Riflemen’ Union is a telling example. Established in 1919, the Union has become very popular...
The Argentinian authorities are wondering about the massive purchase of land in Patagonia by a British billionaire,...
Twenty years ago, on 24 March 1999, Operation Allied Force began – the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia...
Some anniversaries are widely observed in the West: Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor, Holocaust Memorial Day, the...
The political Zionist movement, envisaged in 1896 by Theodor Herzl, an Austro-Hungarian journalist and political activist, and...
The stark truth is that the U.S. really has no intentions of helping to build strong states...
US hostility and efforts to overthrow the Venezuelan government forms parts of a long and inglorious history...
The most barbaric and notorious death camp (the “Ninth Circle of Hell”) during WWII in Europe was...
Documentation presented at the International Conference on the 70th Anniversary of NATO, Florence, April 7, 2019 [...]
Oslo allowed Israel to reduce Palestinians to disparate fragments, each with their own challenge to merely survive....
Resolution 2371 Inflicts Economic Torture upon DPRK. Security Council Resolution 2371 Defies All Logic: Prohibits Sale of...
Article by Vladislav B. Sotirovic: „Nationalism and Territorial Claims of the Yugoslavs: Challenge to Re-Map the Balkans...
As strategies are slow to evolve, recollections of the past may help better understanding of the interests...
Bandera’s image was on prominent display at Maidan and in a sense he served as a kind...
It is very rational to predict that the Palestinian answer to the Deal of the Century is...
The Russians also expressed their logical concern that the only reason for such a search to be...
Bogdan was born in Gorazdevac, where according to him after 1999 people turned immune to the sounds...
The Serbs and the Croats were all the time two biggest ethnonational groups in Yugoslavia, either before...
Jewish and Serb organisations have boycotted the official commemoration at the Jasenovac concentration camp since the Croatian...
Critics are sure of incompetence of the Federal Minister of Defence, Ursula von der Leyen. Though she...
According to Moore (and many other journalists, researchers and alternative media outlets), Judith Miller’s story was completely...
In conclusion, we can say that geopolitics continues to be a powerful form of geographical reasoning, but...
Impeachment in the USA is the legal procedure by which any public official, including the President of...
NATO troops participated and took a very active part in the US led invasion of Afghanistan, which...
Despite Poroshenko's electoral campaign in the country's regions and an active information campaign promoting the OCU, the...
The first Balkan province already de facto incorporated into the united national state of the Illyro-Albanians with...