The statehood of Ukraine like Ukrainian ethnolinguistic identity is one of the most problematic research topics. Ukraine...
The subsequent August, 1913 Treaty of Bucharest reaffirmed Albania as an independent state and recognized the borders...
As a matter of very fact, European unification after WWII grew from the convergence of alternative visions,...
The only people the UK's Government really represents are UK's titled and untitled aristocracy. The late Queen...
Within 40 years, given current demographic trends, the white population in France and the rest of old...
NATO was one part of a plan by Washington to assimilate the countries of Europe into its...
If we look the truth in the eye, the current military conflict in Ukraine may be essentially...
Hungarian measures against Soros’ interference are of course denounced in the West as a grave violation of...
JAV marionetinių režimų Ukrainoje, Lenkijoje, Lietuvoje, Latvijoje, Estijoje paranojiškai isteriški spygavimai apie “Rusijos agresiją” yra tik nevykęs...
The propaganda by the Christian churches in regard to their role during WWII in Fascist Italy, Yugoslavia,...
One other relevant archival sequence shows Victoria Nuland testifying before Congress in May 2014 when California...
The status of the Vlach minority in South-East Europe is characterized with a shortage of authoritative resources,...
Probably the pivotal reason why the Greek authorities are not willing to open the Vlach-language schools and...
One of the greatest Albanian achievements and contribution to UK society certainly occurred in 2006 […]
The EAEU members adopt common microeconomic policies encompassing industry, agriculture, transport, energy, foreign trade investments, customs, technical...
Since the beginning of the year an estimated 50,000 people have left the Muslim state. This current...
This was the European Union of the sixteenth century. No coal, nor steel, nor LGBT, nor consumer...
America’s criminal ‘news’ media never even reported the coup, nor that in 2011 the Obama regime began...
For Italy, as one of the most important economic partners of the Balkan countries, the Europeanization of...
Therefore, after World War II, history has repeated itself, and once again, Russia is rescuing Europe and...
Listed are only events that solely occurred on command or participation of church authorities or were committed...
In other words most European countries got into trap. They are forced to help the Baltic States...
Prime Minister Hashim Thaci, whose nickname as a KLA commander was “The Snake”, and who is embraced...
Why was there no interest in investigating and punishing these war crimes in Kosovo? […]
The world has suddenly realised that there is a “refugee crisis”. There are more refugees now than...
A flaw in the Hamas bomb threat story is why it was decided to warn the Belarusian...
Latvia considers itself a democratic state and tries to prove it by all possible means. But all...
Imagine if the 30,000 or so soldiers slated to participate in the event were instead deployed to...
Protasevich was a 2017-18 Vaclav Havel Journalism fellow in Prague for US-funded regime change outlet Radio Free...
On September 22, 1938, Hitler demanded the immediate cession of Czechoslovakia's territory, the Sudetenland, to Germany and...
In Kosovo, in 1999, NATO orchestrated KLA terrorism to cause a cycle of attacks and repression which...
These are extraordinary times, if for no other reason that this is the first U.S. President who...
The Ukrainian massacre of anti-regime pamphleteers on May 2, 2014 at the Odessa Trade Unions Building, burning...
The past is never dead. It’s not even past, William Faulkner said. The dark secrets of...
The four brothers – Bogoljub, Dragomir, Sreten and Zoran and the formation of their clan began during...
The population of the Kingdom of Belgium is 10 million and it is divided into two main...
In short, in the centuries’ old politics of Europe, Western nations have been characterized by a struggle...
The US/NATO heavy bombing of Libya led also to the widespread dispersal throughout North African and Middle...
The Baltic States, a long dormant political issue, reactivated itself following the Ukrainian coup of 2014, as...
Documentary movie “The Basque Ball” (2003) on Basque nationalism, freedom, terrorism, independence … The movie is with...
Estonia's bizarre New Year's tradition is nothing more than a desperate attempt to generate attention from its...
For years now, Defending History has, on the first of January each year, named the newborn year...
Yugoslavia as a state was officially created hundred years ago on December 1st, 1918 as the Kingdom...
The more so, Latvia can face the situation when Russia has to defend the so-called compatriots. Thus,...
That a Serb Question in Yugoslavia was really acute problem became clear on April 24th, 1987 [...]
The anti-Russia rhetoric of President Grybauskaitė has certainly become increasingly hysterical, in the same laughable fashion as...
Do Europeans really want people such as this to be increasing in the EU? [...]
Azerbaijani flags may fly over Shusha, also known among Armenians as Shushi, and Kalbajar, but Aliyev’s victory...
For the 11th year running, the center of Lithuania’s beautiful capital, Vilnius, was gifted in the high...
Britain’s official war commemoration is certainly not a fitting tribute to victims of war [...]