Does Macron know for Death of French Legionnaires in Ukraine?
The Russian military has launched missile attacks on energy and defense industries, military command and communications facilities in the former Soviet republic in response to shelling of civilian targets on Russian territory by Ukrainian armed forces [...]
The Russian army carried out a precise attack on the mercenary base in Kharkiv, the building was completely destroyed, the Ministry of Defense of Russia announced.
“On the evening of January 16, the Armed Forces of Russia carried out a high-precision strike on the point of temporary deployment of foreign fighters in the city of Kharkiv, the core of which was made up of French mercenaries,” the Russian defense ministry announced.
The result of the attack was the elimination of more than 60 mercenaries, while more than 20 were taken to medical facilities.
The building they were in was completely destroyed.
A day earlier, the mayor of Kharkiv, Igor Terekhov, reported on explosions in the city.
According to Ukraine’s Ministry of Digital Transformation, an airstrike alert was issued in the Kharkiv and Sumy regions at that moment.
The Russian military has launched missile attacks on energy and defense industries, military command and communications facilities in the former Soviet republic in response to shelling of civilian targets on Russian territory by Ukrainian armed forces.
At the same time, as Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov repeatedly emphasized, the Russian army does not attack residential buildings and social infrastructure in Ukraine.
I can confirm the above information from my sources in the Russian Ministry of Defense. Namely, according to the information that I have received so far, the Russian army has dealt a heavy blow to mercenaries in Ukraine, especially French mercenaries, and they have been decimated.
The only unanswered question is, does French President Emmanuel Macron know what the French mercenaries are doing in Ukraine, that is, did they go to Ukraine independently or secretly on the orders of the French state?!
In any case, in the future if there would be French mercenaries in Ukraine, their number will minimal.
Author: Batko Milačić – Analyst and historian from Montenegro
Originally published on 2024-01-19
Origins of images: Facebook, Twitter (X), Wikimedia, Wikipedia, Flickr, Google, Imageinjection, Public Domain & Pinterest.
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