Key facts about Kosovo’s Islamic Albanian minority of Serbia and the century-long drive by Islamic extremists to...
Greater Albania
Ironically, while Morocco is trying to convince nations to de-recognize the Sahrawi Republic, it has withheld recognition...
Twenty years have now passed since the opening of hostilities, and problems in Kosovo still run rampant....
Kurti’s Election Means a Stronger Push for “Greater Albania” and Protection for Terrorists in Kosovo

Kurti’s Election Means a Stronger Push for “Greater Albania” and Protection for Terrorists in Kosovo
Kurti does not recognize the flag and anthem of Kosovo, as well as the Kosovar national identity....
Although the idea of a Greater Albania may seem like an exaggerated conspiracy, to the Serbian people...
When in 2008 Kosovo declares independence, nearly a decade after the Western military intervention, few commentators call...
When Yugoslavia collapsed at the start of 1990s, there was nothing predetermined about what followed. One possibility...
Turning now to Crimea, Kosovo and Catalonia, the Crimean referendum, long on its Russian population’s minds, became...