Lord Ismay, perhaps unwittingly, let the cat out of the bag in his statement all those years...
One story featured in Australian media in March this year detailed the killing of an Afghan man...
The March on the Pentagon, which occurred 50 years ago this month, led to the arrests of...
NATO has waged aggressive wars far from the North Atlantic, bombing Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Serbia, Afghanistan,...
Pompeo wants “democratic governance and human rights” in Venezuela, Cuba, and Nicaragua. Why not in Oman, Jordan...
The hoax “war on terror” has turned America into a Gestapo state. Not many Americans directly experience...
Initially modelled after Hitler’s rapid war-winning strategy, the NATO offensive was not expected to last more than...
Through Resolution 2391 (XXIII) dated November 26, 1968, the UN General Assembly adopted the Convention on the...
There is one big thing wrong, however. It’s a lie [...]
The Pentagon was scheduled to reduce U.S. troops in Afghanistan to 4500 in November [...]
NATO's third invasion was of Kosovo, when "On 13 April 1999, NATO approved plans for Operation Allied...
It is entirely possible that the world is being led to destruction by nothing more than the...
The Russian government knows that this is a lie, and when they see a lie repeated endlessly...
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban upped the ante in his political fight against George Soros, the mega-rich...
In the European Theatre, World War II ended in early May 1945 with the capitulation of Nazi...
Just before his trip to Japan, Obama also visited Vietnam a country that the US had attacked...
Yet ever since 9/11 magically appeared, as if the fufillment of a prophecy from out of the...
Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg called for the infrastructure update across Europe as NATO is set to overhaul...
Although the United States was founded on Christian principles, and has one of the highest percentages of...
Americans need to begin acting like Americans again and say NO to empire and YES to saving...