American oligarchs of an earlier age understood public relations in a way that current oligarchs seem to...
What could possibly go wrong? Refugees welcome! Not to allow these enemy combatants to return would be...
While the Western media portrays North Korea’s nuclear weapons program as a threat to Global Security, it...
This was the KLA’s national plan. All loyal Albanians were to leave during the bombing and go...
"A deathbed promise led to me discovering his complicity in the Holocaust — and what it means...
Yesterday marked the 80th anniversary of the Munich Agreement, one of the most shameful and tragic chapters...
"Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the Heroes!". These words and this greeting will become Armed Forces of...
The US Government’s anti-Russian sanctions, and its NATO exercises with US missiles and tanks on and near...
Martti Ahtisaari, as President of Finland, sought to honor and commemorate Finnish Nazi SS war criminals, war...
Numerous outstanding writers and journalists have commented cogently on Mainstream media lying and censorship and for alphabetically-organized...
The chemical poisoning of civilians in Syria has proved a boon and a blessing for the West’s...
What is really missing in the Western media reports on Macedonia’s referendum is a very and fundamental...
Exclusive: After launching a missile strike on Syria, President Trump is basking in praise from his former...
Meanwhile, as for Washington’s regional allies – Israel, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Turkey (with Erdogan guaranteed to...
As a direct consequence of the three partitions of the Republic in 1772, 1793, and 1795, both...
President Obama has just signed into law a “National Defense” bill that includes $160 million for new...
Among his numerous publications, Prof. Jacobs is the author of the chapter entitled, “Lemkin on Three Genocides:...
Kosovo was never a political entity of any kind until 1945, when the Communist regime that reconstructed...
If the US regime uses any of these entry-points to a conventional war, Russia would simply be...
Bosnian Muslim Hazim Delic, the deputy commander of the Celebici camp, was found guilty of rape and...
The Biggest Prison on Earth – A History of the Occupied Territories is essential reading in order...
Since World War II, the United States has engaged in an almost unbroken chain of major and...
The US had used its Veto power to protect Israel from at least 44 UNSC resolutions. On...
This Wednesday, February 11 [2009], will mark the 80th anniversary of the signing of the Lateran Treaty...
Greater Albania has been debating deployment in Syria. A Muslim state, a Balkan Caliphate in the heart...
The U.S. sponsored coup of 2014 took Yanukovych, who was acceptable to Russia, out of power and...
Article by Vladislav B. Sotirovic: “The NATO’s World Order, the Balkans and the Russian National Interest” […]
UN negotiator on Kosovo Martti Ahtisaari wanted to honor and commemorate Finnish Nazi SS troops in 1999...
In the months after US forces crossed the 38th parallel in a disastrous attempt to occupy the...
The Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said that this Bundestag Resolution is absurd because it distorts...
Today we spend the hour with General Wesley Clark, the retired four-star general. He was the Supreme...
Many Vietnam veterans suffered from PTSD. Many died before their time, some shortly after coming home,...
Long after the point of fact when whatever indigenous peoples have finally been conquered and stripped of...
In the early 1950s, during the Korean War, the US dropped more bombs on North Korea than...
Their sons went to fight for ISIS in Syria or Iraq, and some even had children in...
According to Al-Monitor, one of the most critical and important issues for Cairo during el-Sisi’s visit was...
One of the focal historical features of the western (West European) civilization was and is imperialistic colonization...
In the NATO bombing of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, large numbers of civilians have incontestably been...
But while today's North Korean anti-American rhetoric is so often filled with obvious distortions and lies and...
1939 metų kovo 22 d. Lietuvos prezidento A.Smetonos įgaliotas premjeras Mironas, Užsienio reikalų ministras J.Urbšys, Lietuvos pasiuntinys...
If a German had shown up in London in 1944 and opened fire, would the police have...
The Obama administration and American media, as well as the governments and media in allied states, have...
During the Kosovo conflict in 1999, military intervention by the US and NATO was precipitated by the...
Did you know that Putin, who has refrained from responding aggressively to US provocations, not out of...
The terror under which Palestinians live – be it in their own country or in refugee camps...
As world leaders convened in Minsk this week to decide the fate of east Ukraine, Tatiana Prussova,...
The Bosnian Muslim Nazi SS Division Handzar, above in 1943, was made up of 18,000 Bosnian Muslims...
Security experts claim that women mostly start fighting for ISIS while following their husbands, but there are...
Land of bitterness, resentment and loss of hope, a state of confusion and impatience, with her eyes...
The Thaci dependence on US and NATO good graces insures Thaci’s government will do what it is...