Croatian Journalist Confirms Soleimani Fought with Clinton Backed Bosnian Muslims in the Balkans in 1993 and 1994
Kasim Sulejmani was the toughest fighter against the Islamic State, and because of the mysterious missions he had called him “James Bond of the Middle East “ [...]
QASEM SULEJMANI FOUGHT IN BIH AGAINST SERBS?! A Croatian journalist discovers who was killed by the Iranian general! It was important for James Bond the Middle East, turning the WAR on in SYRIA!
Hasan Haidar Diab (56) is a prominent Croatian journalist and war reporter. However, his link to the Balkans is in the Eighties of the last century, when from native Beirut to study in the then SFR Yugoslavia, and that is due thanks to the character and part of Josip Broz Tito, or his role in the Non-Aligned Movement
Over the years of the war, primarily because of the knowledge of the Arab language, he travelled through war-affected areas, where he did a large number of interviews and stories with politicians and refugees. With the emergence of a refugee crisis in Europe due to the started civil war in Syria 2011. Year, he became one of the most frequent speakers in the shows aired on the public services of Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia, Serbia, and Europe.
Mission in Bosnia
One of his associates was Iranian general Kasim Sulejmani, with whom he spoke on two occasions, 2016. and 2017. What he wrote in the author’s text for Vecernji list.
On that occasion, Sulejmani confirmed his stay in the Balkans during the 1990s war conflicts.
With General Sulejmani I personally met him twice in Iran, once in Tehran at a conference 2016, and the second time in the town of Meade a year later. He seemed very humble, he was seen to weigh every word he made. Although we did not talk long ago, when he found out I was from Croatia, he only received the question: “What is the situation in BiH? ” To my question if he was in BiH, Kasem replied: “Of course I was, but a long time ago, 1993. and 1994. Wherever Muslims need help, I am here “. I told him to keep it safe, and his answer was: “Pray for me to die as a martyr, it is my greatest wish,” Diab said in his text.
Diab also addressed the cult of the slain Iranian general, i.e. his impressive tactical and combat strategies. He was characterized as a James Bond Middle East, and he was the leader of a fight that turned the course of history, especially for Syria.
Qasem Sulejmani was the toughest fighter against the Islamic State, and because of the mysterious missions he had called him “James Bond of the Middle East “. General Sylejmani was present in Iraq from the US invasion of 2003, in Lebanon and in the area of Palestinian self-rule from the early 90, 2011. Got a new assignment: Stop the jihadist campaign on Iraq and Syria. Since then, the commanders of the forces of Kuds have been present in Damascus and Baghdad. It is known that he often led military action himself, as the one that stopped the Islamists ‘ offensive against Damascus and the one towards Baghdad. Besides defending Damascus and Baghdad, under his command, he was acquitted of the whole Al Kusara area and large parts of the province of Homs in Syria, ALEP, and ultimately the eastern swallowing.
Thanks to Qasem Sulejmani’s strategy, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has survived in power. After ISIS took Mosul, Ticrete and a number of other cities, Sulejmani immediately assumed command and the best men of Kudes brought to Baghdad, helping to defend the Iraqi Kurdistan himself and Baghdad. The military success against the ISIS fighters was achieved because Sulejmani’s advisers changed the strategy of war both in Iraq and Syria, based on the experience of fighting the Soviet troops in Afghanistan.
Brutal liquidation
According to intelligence, Sulejmani was liquidated on his return from Syria, where he commanded an offensive in the Idlib province, the last stronghold of jihadist groups. The commander of the Iranian forces Kudes has devoted his entire life to one goal–to protect Iran and the ideals of the Islamic revolution.
Al Kuds has turned into an organisation that can face all geopolitical challenges. He was always dedicated to the Islamic revolution and lived humble. Just under his leadership of the early 2000, it began to develop “The axis of resistance to the United States ” in the Middle East, which continues to resist the US policy of Saudi Arabia and Israel.
Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Hamenei appointed Brigadier Ismail Ganey to Commander Kudes and heir to Cashma Sulejmani, who has been a deputy so far.
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Saudi Arab Islamist beheading Serbs in Bosnia in 1992
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