The first serious challenge to the post-WWII Yugoslavia was the Albanian rebellion in Kosovo-Metochia in 1944/1945, started...
The Communist dictatorship was formally legalized by the first post-war Constitution (January 31st, 1946) which abolished the...
The process of gradual collapsing of Tito’s SFRY which was finally ended in the total destruction of...
Twenty years ago, on 24 March 1999, Operation Allied Force began – the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia...
The most barbaric and notorious death camp (the “Ninth Circle of Hell”) during WWII in Europe was...
The Serbs and the Croats were all the time two biggest ethnonational groups in Yugoslavia, either before...
NATO troops participated and took a very active part in the US led invasion of Afghanistan, which...
The ICTY (International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia) has discharged Slobodan Milosevic from 1992-95 Bosnian war...
Lord Ismay, perhaps unwittingly, let the cat out of the bag in his statement all those years...
The Balkan is today more unstable. Europe is even more divided. Europe’s backtracking to itself requires some...
Following the collapse of communism in Albania and this country falling into anarchy, many army storage facilities...
Bosnia itself is a divided creature barely on political life support. Rather than promoting reconciliation, one of...
By Matthias Küntzel (in 2000). Contribution to the 2nd International Hearing of the European Tribunal concerning NATO’s...
In 1999, when Belgrade was bombed, the children’s hospital was the object of air attacks. It had...
Ethnic cleansing in Kosovo was used as a pretext for bombing Yugoslavia. And the incident in the...
During J. B. Tito’s rule (1945−1980), Macedonian nationalism had always been controlled by the central government but...
The Balkans has always been cursed by a recurring theme: that each entity within it can, at...
The ultraright-wing ideology on which the state-building process was executed in Croatia in the 1990s was fundamentally...
Probably, the HDZ’s deny of any kind of the regional autonomy in Croatia was the expression of...
Today, as a result of the HDZ’s policy of extreme ethno-confessional nationalism, Croatia is, since mid-1995, “more...
American and British leaders knew the facts about Yugoslavia. They knew the nature of the Josip Broz...
From a geopolitical perspective, the war on Yugoslavia in the 1990s was about restructuring Southeast Europe after...
If the Yugoslav enterprise is the first concrete step in the expansion of NATO, others are planned...
It is known that the US at that time close partner Saudi Arabia gave substantial financial aid...
More than a decade and a half after the US-NATO- under international law illegal – war aggression...
Serbia and Republika Srpska are today the only real Russian allies in Balkans. Serbia is the only...
For centuries, the strategic Balkan Peninsula has featured as a slice of Europe over which wars have...
In all probability, the post-Yugoslav settlement will continue to hold in law. But separatist groups can easily...
Newly crowned NATO members Albania and Croatia continue to pose the greatest threat to the Central Balkans...
Peter arrived in the U.S. unannounced on Sunday, June 21, 1942 aboard a British bomber from the...
VIDEO: German documentary film about the false pretext and German propaganda used to exert and sustain public...
It became clear from the very beginning of the existence of a new state (the Kingdom of...
The first clear political expression of an idea of pan-Slavic reciprocity, solidarity, and possible unification was done...
On April 25th 1941, following his seizure of power, Pavelic decreed that all publications, private and public,...
These coming days, the final result of the inter-state negotiations between the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia...
The trial of Mr Milosevic was a farce. If the ICTY had had even the slightest bit...
After the fall of Serbia in 1459, the Pec Patriarchate soon ceased to work and the Serbian...
After Pavelic took power, the Catholic archbishop Aloysius Stepinac held a banquet for the dictator, proclaiming him...
Neither was Bosnia to be allowed to have its own currency (issuing paper money only when there...
After the Second World War, As a result of unbelievable demographic explosion Albanian population in Kosovo doubled...
Eighteen years ago in the early hours of March 24, 1999, NATO began the bombing the Federal...
A time of Macedonization of Macedonia by the creation of Macedonian regional feelings, which after the WWII...
The Vatican alliance with Mussolini, Franco, Hitler, and Pavelić [...]
In order to make clear historiographical and political picture on the Kosovo issue, in the following paragraphs...
Kosovo is a part of the region on the south-west of Serbia, called Kosovo and Metohia, which...
The Vatican’s Complicity in Genocide in Fascist Croatia: The Suppressed Chapter of Holocaust History

The Vatican’s Complicity in Genocide in Fascist Croatia: The Suppressed Chapter of Holocaust History
The origins of fascism in the Balkans can be traced directly back to Mussolini and the imperialist...
Churchill once said that in war the truth is so precious it has to be surrounded with...
When no Croatian official of stature spoke out against the display, Zuroff called on the president to...
In Kosovo, in 1999, NATO orchestrated KLA terrorism to cause a cycle of attacks and repression which...
Srebrenica should be blamed on Bosnians, Serbs and Americans – that is us! But in fact everything...