From the very beginning, Bosnia and Herzegovina has been established by three (later two) parties who couldn’t...
It's just a global scam, which destroys millions of people, and creates misery for hundreds of millions,...
America’s war of expansion over Mexico, backed by newspapers and politicians, has repercussions to the present day...
In one of its most serious omissions, the series gives short shrift to the destruction wreaked by...
Atatürk is the founder of the secular Turkey. He was designated as "target" during a desk-top drill....
Wars are a terrible waste of lives and resources, and for that reason most people are in...
Here is the evidence regarding this massive and ongoing historical international crime — the crime that’s now...
The Mexican-American War was an imperialistic bonanza, in which Washington used a dubious territorial claim as an...
Claiming the right to launch preemptive wars and fighting an ill-defined “global war on terror,” the U.S....
Bensouda wrote in a November 14, 2016, report that her preliminary examination revealed "a reasonable basis to...
In George W. Bush’s home state of Texas, if you are an ordinary citizen found guilty of...
Kissinger is one of the few surviving practitioners of historical British Balance of Power geopolitics. True British...
In the USA, elections are organized on a regular basis for the President, both houses of Congress...
The stark truth is that the U.S. really has no intentions of helping to build strong states...
The Russians also expressed their logical concern that the only reason for such a search to be...
Do you remember the US coup in Ukraine against the democratically elected government and its replacement with...
Unfortunately, being a member of the EU, Lithuania so hardly depends on the US in military and...
All of the aristocrats thus favor the aristocracy against the public. It is their solidarity, which binds...
The favorite of the leftist progressives of his day, former President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, nominated Hugo Black,...
It is known that the US close partner Saudi Arabia gave substantial financial aid to the Muslim...
The American Civil War, that is usually considered to be ended in 1865, in fact, according to...
All nations America doesn’t control are vulnerable to wars or color revolutions for regime change. Dark forces...
It’s well known that when the CIA selects agents or people to run militias or secret police...
The Native land that was stolen since 1776 [...]
In practice, a very illustrative example of asymmetric warfare was when on March 20th, 2003, US-led coalition...
Years ago, the terms “false flag” and “conspiracy theory” went hand in hand. Suggesting that a government...
A new policy of international relations (IR) adopted by Moscow after 2000 is based on the principle...
Neither Trump nor Obama can compete for the title of Supreme Fabulist on World War One -...
The Times of London predicted, after the US's decisive military victory over the Spanish overseas empire in...
Obama has announced new sanctions on Russia based on unsubstantiated charges by the CIA that the Russian...
In 2001, the US government attacked Afghanistan destroying the country and leaving it in shambled to this...
The US is particularly scary because it tolerates and empowers fascism more than other Western countries. Trump,...
It is reproduced a year-by-year timeline of America’s wars, which reveals something quite interesting: since the United...
There has been a lot of worry about the Constitution and basic democratic rights since Trump’s election....
Article by Vladislav B. Sotirovic: “The NATO’s World Order, the Balkans and the Russian National Interest” […]
In the months after US forces crossed the 38th parallel in a disastrous attempt to occupy the...
The result was a humiliation of Germany that rendered another war nearly inevitable and created in that...
America’s shames are instead that America is today the world’s most aggressive, rabidly invasion-prone and coup-perpetrating country;...
The amount of bombs dropped by Americans on the innocent citizens of tiny French Indochina was more...
Where does the United States get the nerve to moralize about Russia? Same place they get the...
See the fundamental and justifiable reasons of a Russophobic hysteria around the world [...]
Shortly before his untimely death, former British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook told the House of Commons that...
If the paeans to McCain by diverse political climbers seems detached from reality, it’s because they reflect...
So, just like with George W. Bush, U.S. President Donald Trump is relying upon not only the...
For even the greatest of empires, geography is often destiny. You wouldn’t know it in Washington, though....
Under Democrat Bill Clinton, the United States bombed Yugoslavia. Under Barack Obama (who even became a Nobel...
The U.S. Government has invaded and destroyed many countries that posed no actual national-security danger to America,...
With the hydrogen bomb test by North Korea, it should be recalled the CIA was dumb enough...
Syrians are wondering: is our war really with ISIS and Al-Qaeda or with the US and Israel...
Irony of ironies: when the Soviets used their proxy General Jaruzelski to crush Solidarnoszcz in December 1981,...