I was invited to Vilnius by a youth organization called Kryptis. On February 15, I spoke at...
1939 metų kovo 22 d. Lietuvos prezidento A.Smetonos įgaliotas premjeras Mironas, Užsienio reikalų ministras J.Urbšys, Lietuvos pasiuntinys...
JAV marionetinių režimų Ukrainoje, Lenkijoje, Lietuvoje, Latvijoje, Estijoje paranojiškai isteriški spygavimai apie “Rusijos agresiją” yra tik nevykęs...
Belarus' fighter jet-assisted diversion of a Ryanair flight to Minsk in response to an ostensible bomb threat...
A flaw in the Hamas bomb threat story is why it was decided to warn the Belarusian...
The anti-Russia rhetoric of President Grybauskaitė has certainly become increasingly hysterical, in the same laughable fashion as...
Do Europeans really want people such as this to be increasing in the EU? [...]
Vilnius trial will see whether Jonas Noreika was whitewashed by Lithuania’s Genocide and Resistance Research Center; his...
The national scandal unleashed by the Lithuanian Rūta Vanagaitė and the Jewish Efraim Zuroff via their statements...
For the 11th year running, the center of Lithuania’s beautiful capital, Vilnius, was gifted in the high...
That falsification needs to disappear before the next million visitors are misled. This is all a grave...
Hopefully, Lithuania's new government will go another way than the previous one and Lithuania will not lose...
Lithuania’s alleged involvement in Maidan contradicts supposed European values [...]
I am a Lithuanian, but I leave abroad and I am not going back. At least now,...
Missile compounds are being erected in Romania, Poland and other ex-Soviet countries, while military games are set...
During the Lietūkis Garage Massacre, carried out before the invading Germans had actually set up their administration,...
I can imagine what the reaction of the EU institutions would be if a state like Russia...
The Lithuanian authorities have been trying to get Algirdas Paleckis condemned by court for some years. He...
To obey the Law, respect the rights guaranteed by the Constitution are the main responsibilities of the...
“I’m supposed to go in to the prosecutor’s office for questioning next week. I’ve never experienced interrogation...
To make matters worse, the program is skewed to provide further glory for various leaders (and their...
Hollywood Jewish royalty was thick on the ground, the grub was strictly kosher and billionaires competed to...
Let’s take Lithuania as an example. This small country with reach history and with immensely kind and...
The British realized that they had connived with an impossible situation for the indigenous population as early...
Prior to the creation of the Jewish state, he said, “there were large Jewish communities that never...
But there is the other side of the coin. In case of deploying nuclear warheads on the...