In George W. Bush’s home state of Texas, if you are an ordinary citizen found guilty of...
Humanity faces an unprecedented crisis with little effective means to stop what is coming. There are...
President Putin’s been accused by the West of being many things, but ironically enough, it’s former President...
Forty-two years ago, a car-bomb exploded in Washington killing Chile’s ex-Foreign Minister Orlando Letelier, an act of...
So, just like with George W. Bush, U.S. President Donald Trump is relying upon not only the...
The “War on Terror” (or “terrorism”) became a focal point of the 2002 Bush Doctrine and the...
Deep state propagandists and their media apologists apparently believe that a dead politician can be worth his...
What we are seeing is not only a return of the Reagan/Bush era, but a return of...
After 60 years of inattention and even denial by the U.S. media, newly-uncovered government documents in The...
Instated at the outset of the Soviet-Afghan war and protected by the CIA, the drug trade developed...
Syria is being bombed as part of a “counter-terrorism campaign” allegedly against the Islamic State, an elusive...
The Bethlehem sanctuary issued a ringing reprisal Sunday of the coalition attack, going as far as barring...
The U.S. government has warned that it will treat regimes that harbor or assist terrorist organizations the...
The biggest companies own the D.C. politicians. Indeed, the head of the economics department at George Mason...
March 20th marked the thirteenth anniversary of an action resulting in the equivalent of a Paris, Brussels,...
It was only once the ISIS had captured Mosul and was firmly entrenched inside Iraq, that the...
Does Washington hire culture-war mercenaries to go into countries like Saudi Arabia and Qatar to spread the...
In 2003, based on pure lies, Iraq besieged, and about half a million people died [...]
Trump provided a long list of contentious issues about Iran’s alleged malign influences in the region [...]
As with Kosovo, an internal conflict between a government and armed rebels is being cast as a...
Clearly, the process of creation of Albanian nationality was not yet completed at the end of the...
Last but not least, Abdullah, following the template of his American advisors, also sought to outsource some...
Brzezinski being Polish and his wife also being Eastern European is enough to explain his animosity toward...
The reason why the U.S. Government must be prosecuted for its war-crimes against Iraq is that they...
Тhe world is at a dangerous crossroads. The United States and its allies have launched a...
Twenty years have now passed since the opening of hostilities, and problems in Kosovo still run rampant....
As American political life continues to deteriorate, matters of war and peace rarely merit attention amidst the...
Bush was a carbon copy of Bill Clinton, only less sophisticated and more conservative […]
We demand that the Bondsteel military base be closed as well as all other U.S. military...
By forcing Serbia to recognize Kosovo’s independence, directly or indirectly via the so-called Ischinger formula of two...
Read the opinion by Noam Chomsky about POTUS (Presidents of USA) after the Second World War in...
The truth is not easy to find, but federal sources do provide an answer: No. According to...
Noam Chomsky on Israel-Palestinian conflict [...]
A formula how to misuse democracy by Noam Chomsky [...]
I was shocked many years ago when I heard Noam Chomsky say that genocide was America’s defining...
Diverting attention from the Ban Treaty and the Nobel Committee’s abolitionist Peace Prize, the United States has...
Lest we forget, the CIA gave birth to Osama Bin Laden and breastfed his organization during the...
The US has actively supported Al Qaeda affiliated terrorist organizations since the onslaught of the Soviet Afghan...
What future for science in Serbia may be expected? [...]
Do not mix biggest criminals with small fish criminals in global politics and international relations [...]
In a bitter irony, until recently the rebels of the Islamic State, formerly known as the...
This last Veterans Day weekend, I couldn’t watch a sporting event, listen to a car radio, or...
There’s a double standard in how the U.S. mainstream media reports civilian deaths depending if the U.S....
Some Russians are concerned that there are today more hostile troops at the Russian border than at...
Here is the evidence regarding this massive and ongoing historical international crime — the crime that’s now...
According to both Russia and the separatist Donbass eastern region of the former Ukraine, the violations of...
The concepts of liberty, freedom and free enterprise in the “land of the free, home of the...
According to various well respected journalists, including Seymour Hersh, the appalling video was recorded at Abu Ghraib,...
The empire will limp along, steadily losing influence until the dollar is dropped as the world’s reserve...
The war in Afghanistan continued through the 1980s into the early 1990s, when the Soviet Union withdrew...