The ethnic Albanians entered Balkan history in 1043 when they came from East Sicily and settled in...
The first serious challenge to the post-WWII Yugoslavia was the Albanian rebellion in Kosovo-Metochia in 1944/1945, started...
Every now and then we are being bombed by some terms in order to get used to...
Bogdan was born in Gorazdevac, where according to him after 1999 people turned immune to the sounds...
The first Balkan province already de facto incorporated into the united national state of the Illyro-Albanians with...
The Self proclaimed Republic of Kosovo, as a creation of the USA/NATO joint aggression against the Federal...
The revelation was part of a presentation on a 2 1/2 year investigation into atrocities that also...
This article deals with the question of political and human/minority rights in the region of Kosovo &...
The 2004 “March Pogrom” in Kosovo: A book of photo evidence! (Making ISIL of a Greater Muslim...
South-East Serbia's province of Kosovo-Metochia (KosMet) is an autochthonous Slavic, in particular Serb, land. Now, the focal...
Merjem has lived all his life in Albania, but believes his homeland is wherever there are Muslim...
To create an ethnically pure Shqiptar Kosovo, which Albanian called “Kosova”, the Shqiptari (Albanians) launched a widescale...
Kosovo is a de facto “NATO Protectorate”: An interview with RT Germany [...]
The Pristina authorities and international missions failed to jail the perpetrators of a series of political assassinations...
Some 150 Kosovars have gone to fight in Syria and Iraq, primarily for Islamic State, or for...
In 1999, when Belgrade was bombed, the children’s hospital was the object of air attacks. It had...
As the Council of Europe and investigative journalists have documented, northern Albania was the site not only...
The recognition of the independence of Kosovo has opened up a Pandora’s Box and unleashed a dangerous...
In the recent decades, several groups of people in Bosnia, Kosovo, Serbia, Albania and Macedonia have appeared...
Suffering and murder of little Serbian Christian girl Jovana (11) in Klecka village. Members of Serbian police...
This was the KLA’s national plan. All loyal Albanians were to leave during the bombing and go...
Security experts claim that women mostly start fighting for ISIS while following their husbands, but there are...
Land of bitterness, resentment and loss of hope, a state of confusion and impatience, with her eyes...
Here, it has to be noticed that since the 1878 League of Prizren onward, any Albanian program...
Kosovo Albanian Muslims and their unthinking and duped supporters in the US are denying the Holocaust when...
Allowing Albanian Muslim separatists and terrorists to “win” and to secede in Kosovo will not lead to...
Violence against Orthodox Serbs is growing: unsurprisingly, some of them speak openly of cultural genocide […]
They were all attached to the ideology of ISIS and interested in recent attacks, above all the...
The U.S. rationale was spurious: Because Yugoslav police were defending themselves and Kosovo civilians against what the...
In conclusion, Kosovo is de facto separated from Serbia, de iure, quasi-independent state but in reality, an...
The subsequent August, 1913 Treaty of Bucharest reaffirmed Albania as an independent state and recognized the borders...
What we are seeing is not only a return of the Reagan/Bush era, but a return of...
In the late 1980s and early 1990s, Serbia’s expert on Islam, Professor Miroljub Jevtic, was a lone...
The role of the United States in the breakup of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia is...
The Albanian role in the Holocaust does not end here. In fact, Albanians made up two Nazi...
It is needless to say that in the case of places with already mixed populations the process...
The Greater Albania project, which dates back to the 19th century is an idea of the unification...
The BBC, a very liberal British network, highlighted the brutal deeds of the KLA during the airing...
Osama bin Laden was a prominent supporter of the Izetbegović’s regime in Bosnia-Herzegovina, and, according to the...
Response to Noel Malcolm’s Book KOSOVO. A SHORT HISTORY (Third part) […]
One of the greatest Albanian achievements and contribution to UK society certainly occurred in 2006 […]
All around Kosovo, families are grappling with the aftermath of years of proselytizing by Saudi-trained preachers. Some...
Photo evidence of Jihadization of Kosovo & Metochia by Muslim Albanians from June 1999 onwards […]
Like many moderate Kosovans, she also points the finger at Turkey, whose Islamist government has funded networks...
Prime Minister Hashim Thaci, whose nickname as a KLA commander was “The Snake”, and who is embraced...
SS Reichsfuehrer Heinrich Himmler formed a Kosovo Albanian Muslim Nazi SS Division during World War II, the...
Why was there no interest in investigating and punishing these war crimes in Kosovo? […]
In a bitter irony, Kosovo president Hashim Thaci is still on the list of Interpol in relation...
The Albanian national movement, established in accordance with the program of the First Prizren League in 1878,...
Only two trials of KLA personnel have ever been held at the ICTY, compared to the scores...